City of Whittier

Whittier is located at the head of Passage Canal on the west side of Prince William Sound. It is a gateway which thousands of visitors travel through into Prince William Sound each year.  Whittier’s location on Prince William Sound attracts visitors for sports and commercial fishing, subsistence activities, boating, and kayaking. Fish harvested in this area include cod, halibut, rockfish, and salmon. Crab and shrimp are also available. Area game hunting includes deer, caribou, moose, and bear. Whittier is also a good bird watching destination.

For more information, please visit City of Whittier.

Representative Seated Resigned
Mike Bender Sep-15 Current
Andrea Korbe Sep-13 Jun-15
Marilynn Heddell Jan-96 Sep-13
Carol Till Dec-92 Jan-96
Lynda Hyce Dec-90 Dec-92
Georgia Buck Jan-90 Dec-90
Dave Moffat Jul-89 Jan-90
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