Community Outreach

The Council works to increase public awareness of the oil spill prevention, response, and environmental protection capabilities in Prince William Sound, as well as the environmental impacts of the Alyeska terminal and tanker operations.

Every year, the Council’s staff and volunteers visit communities in the Council’s region, attend group member functions, give presentations, coordinate special events involving member groups, exhibit and present at conferences, and encourage citizen involvement in the Council’s work.

If you would like the council represented at your event, please contact our outreach coordinator, Maia Draper-Reich .

Community Corner: Peer listeners build community resilience

Community Corner: Peer listeners build community resilience

By Betsi Oliver Outreach Coordinator After the Exxon Valdez oil spill, a Council project assessed the social impacts of the ...
Volunteers engage Kenai students in oil spill lessons

Volunteers engage Kenai students in oil spill lessons

By Betsi Oliver Outreach Coordinator In September, Council volunteers brought a message of citizen engagement and oil spill prevention to ...
Community Corner: Transparency is key to preserving relationships in an era of mistrust

Community Corner: Transparency is key to preserving relationships in an era of mistrust

By Betsi Oliver Outreach Coordinator Clean Pacific, a conference for the oil spill prevention and response community, added a track ...
Community Corner: Council fosters pathways to engaged citizens

Community Corner: Council fosters pathways to engaged citizens

By Betsi Oliver Outreach Coordinator What makes the difference between youth who develop careers and other roles protecting our ecosystem ...
Community Corner: Devoted to the cause of safe oil transportation

Community Corner: Devoted to the cause of safe oil transportation

By Lisa Matlock Outreach Coordinator The Council is exceedingly lucky to have volunteers who spend precious time and provide invaluable ...
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