Request for Proposals: Peer Listener Training Manual Distribution

The Council is inviting proposals for a project to aid distribution and improve accessibility of the PWSRCAC’s Peer Listener Training Manual, currently a PDF document available for download on our website. The final work products of this project will include a distribution plan for the manual and development of suggested outreach tools or products.

Submittal Deadline: November 4, 2024 Deadline extended to November 13, 2024
Award Announcement: November 25, 2024

For more information, please download the full RFP: Peer Listener Training Manual Distribution (PDF) along with clarifications listed below.

Questions and clarifications

The following are questions we received about this RFP along with our responses:

Q. Is the distribution plan the only product that needs to be drafted by 1/31, or does this deadline include drafts for all outreach tools?
A. The deadline includes drafts of the distribution plan and outreach tools. We realize this is a short timeline. It was developed with our fiscal year and deadline for materials for our May Board meeting in mind. If necessary, we can reassess the timeline for deliverables during the contracting phase with the contract awardee. If additional time is needed or recommended to produce quality outreach tools based on the distribution plan, please include this information in your proposal, along with details on the amount of time suggested.

Q. Can some outreach tools be suggested for development in a future phase?
A. Yes, we welcome suggestions for outreach tools in a future phase. In fact, we are currently considering this in development of our budget for next fiscal year.

Q. Is there a maximum budget for this work?
A. The budget for this project in our current fiscal year is $35,000.

Q: Will there be two presentations/meetings to attend?
A: Yes, the contractor is asked to provide two presentations of the materials. The presentation to the Scientific Advisory Committee will be needed to request their approval of the materials before going to the Board, and the presentation to the Board will be for final acceptance of the materials and authorization to distribute. In the meantime, the project manager will share the draft materials with the Project Team and SAC and be the point of contact for discussing revisions and feedback.

It’s possible that the due date for final deliverables may be extended beyond Feb 28. This depends on the deadline for materials for the Council’s May Board meeting, which will be sometime in March. Any extensions to that date would be discussed and agreed upon during the contracting phase.

Additional questions: 

If you have additional questions, please contact the project’s manager Danielle Verna via email.

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