Join staff and volunteers from the council, along with our partners Prince William Sound Science Center and Copper River Watershed Project, for an afternoon of FREE fun and interactive oil spill prevention and response activities for the whole family.

On Friday, September 16 from 3:30-5:30, join us at the commons at Mt. Eccles Elementary School. Pick up a “passport” and receive stamps at each station, and become a Master of Disaster. Anyone who completes all of the stations wins a special prize. Stations will include:
- Oil spill in a pan
- Wildlife clean-up
- How big is a tanker?
- How do we protect sensitive areas?
- And more!

Questions? Contact Lisa Matlock at (907) 273-6235 lisa.matlock@pwsrcac.org or Shawna Popovici at (907) 273-6227.