Resolution 22-02: Recognizing and Expressing Appreciation for Anil Mathur’s Contributions to the Safe Transportation of Oil in Prince William Sound and Throughout the West Coast

WHEREAS, Anil Mathur, President & CEO of Alaska Tanker Company (ATC), announced his retirement in 2020, after almost two decades of quality service and focus on safety; and,
WHEREAS, during Anil Mathur’s tenure, ATC transported over 1,916 million barrels of oil without any spills to sea, logged 23 million human-hours with only one lost time injury (a fractured finger); and
WHEREAS, Anil Mathur prioritized a mindfulness culture at ATC based on safety and well-being, supported by neuroscience, to overcome complacency and distraction, and improve safety performance and accountability; and,
WHEREAS, in addition to other accolades, Anil Mathur received the United Seamen’s Service 2019 Admiral of the Ocean Sea Award, the AFL-CIO 2013 Labor-Management Award, the American Society of Safety Engineers’ 2010-2011 President’s Award, and was named the “CEO who gets it” by the National Safety Council in 2005; and,
WHEREAS, Anil Mathur put extensive time and effort into establishing and improving relationships with stakeholders, such as the Council, striving to find common ground within the shared goals; and,
WHEREAS, Anil Mathur proactively invited the Council to attend and participate in ATC’s annual Quality/Safety Management Review meetings, and learn about the systems used to ensure no accidents, no harm to people, and no damage to the environment; and,
WHEREAS, Anil Mathur never missed an opportunity to share safety culture in memorable ways, such as explaining the “swiss cheese model” of accident causation and his view that in order to have world-class performance you have to change the mindset, skillset, and toolset; and,
WHEREAS, Anil Mathur, and ATC under his leadership, exemplified the working relationship and values we all strive for – keeping our economy going in the absolute safest way possible for the sake of the environment, our communities and local economies, and those working within the oil transportation industry; and, WHEREAS, the hard work, dedication, and teamwork of everyone at ATC during Anil Mathur’s tenure showcased their commitment to each other and to the entire west coast of the United States and Canada.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council commends and expresses gratitude to Anil Mathur for his many years of dedication and commitment to the safe transportation of crude oil throughout the region of Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council’s staff and volunteers wish Anil Mathur all the best in his retirement, with the hope that his curiosity and open-minded perspective will continue such that the friendships that have been built along the way will be strengthened, and new friendships realized.
PASSED AND APPROVED by the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council on this 5th day of May, 2022.