1994 Letter By Rick Steiner Regarding A Proposal To Establish A Nationwide Network Of Regional Citizens’ Advisory Councils

Letter from Rick Steiner on a proposal to establish a nationwide network of Regional Citizen Advisory Councils. Attached to the letter is a report titled “The Citizens’ Advisory Council as a means of mitigating environmental impacts of terminal and tanker operations” by
Patty Ginsburg, Scott Sterling and Sheila Gotteherer.

Report summary: The development of the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council (RCAC) in the wake of the wreck of the Exxon Valdez is outlined, together with aspects of the Oil Pollution Action 1990, followed by a discussion of the structure of the RCAC. The challenges facing the RCAC are discussed and comparisons made with Sullom Voe. Issues considered include confidentiality v public access and representation. Accomplishments and activity cover oil spill prevention and response, environmental monitoring, tankers and tanker traffic, other scientific work and public education and awareness.

File Type: pdf
Categories: Citizen Oversight and History of the Council
Author: Patty Ginsburg, Rick Steiner, Scott Sterling, Sheila Gotteherer
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