Harold Blehm: New council committee member has long history of volunteering in Prince William Sound communities

Volunteer Spotlight

Harold Blehm
Harold Blehm

Harold Blehm, newest member of the council’s Terminal Operations and Vessel Traffic System committee is passionate about using his time to help make Valdez, Prince William Sound, and the Chugach mountains a better place.

Blehm first moved to Alaska in 1982, after he graduated from Colorado State University’s School of Forestry with a degree in outdoor recreation administration.

Colorado’s population has grown so much that Blehm said he doesn’t think he could ever return there.

“All the lakes we used to fish in are now inside city limits and you can’t fish there anymore,” Blehm said, “It’s sad.”

For his first few years in Alaska, Blehm worked for the City of Valdez as a firefighter, emergency medical technician and police officer. In 1988, Blehm finally got his dream job with the Alaska State Parks as district ranger for the Copper Basin Ranger District in Tazlina, Alaska.

“I got that job in ‘88, and in ’89, guess what happened?”

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Bob Jaynes works hard to protect beloved Sound

In a conversation with Robert “Bob” Jaynes, his dedication to and love of Prince William Sound is immediately apparent.

Jaynes has been a member of the council’s Port Operations and Vessel Traffic System since 2004, chairing that committee since 2006. He has been operating a boat on the Sound for 22 years, licensed as a captain by the Coast Guard for 18 of those years.

Originally from California, Jaynes’ work first brought him to Alaska in the 1980s while working for the Air Force.

“After working several different jobs, like you do when you’re in your younger years,” Jaynes said, “I finally ended up working civil service at McClellan Air Force Base.”

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