Citizens promoting the environmentally safe operation of the Alyeska terminal and associated tankers.
The Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council was formed after the Exxon Valdez oil spill to provide a voice for citizens affected by decisions related to the Alyeska pipeline terminal and associated tankers.
Council News
Decades-old monitoring program still innovating
Thirty years ago, a new Council program was just getting underway. The assignment for the new Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program ...
Under-studied component of hydrocarbons documented in discharge from terminal
A new report examined hydrocarbons that enter Prince William Sound from the Valdez Marine Terminal that until recently have received ...
How learning to listen can help communities heal from disasters
In 1989, when a young Patience Andersen Faulkner was working as a legal aide in the picturesque town of Cordova, ...
Analysis of genes increases understanding of oil’s effects
New techniques in the field of genetic analysis are improving our understanding of the effects of oil spills. Since 1993, ...
To notify the Council about an oil spill incident, please call 907.751.4489
(Incident reporting open 24/7)