Port Valdez Weather Buoy Analysis 2019 – 2023

In this report, Dr. Robert Campbell presents his analysis of data from two weather buoys that are sponsored by the Council.

The two buoys, one near the Valdez Marine Terminal and another near the Valdez Duck Flats, have been collecting data such as sea currents, wind direction and speed, wave direction and heights, and other weather-related information for the past 5 years. Dr. Campbell analyzed the data to determine weather trends throughout the year and seasonally at these two locations.

This information will help support environmental monitoring, oil spill contingency and response planning, trajectory modeling, and the safe transportation of oil in Port Valdez.

Port Valdez Weather Buoy Analysis 2019 – 2022

Time series at each of the buoys were analyzed for seasonal, intra-, and interannual patterns:

  • Air and water temperatures, and solar radiation all showed a cyclical seasonal progression typical to subarctic regions, with minima in February and maxima in August.
  • Relative humidity was high, as befits a coastal region with a large amount of annual precipitation, and tended to follow temperature trends.
  • Air pressure, driven by large-scale atmospheric circulations, was similar between the two sites.
  • Winds were primarily from the east in autumn and winter, again driven by the large-scale atmospheric patterns that create a low-pressure system over the Gulf of Alaska during that time. In late spring and summer, daily westerly sea breezes were common.
  • A 114-year-long temperature climatology was constructed for the Valdez region, which showed a steady and persistent warming trend. Over the time period that the buoys have been deployed, winters have been warmer than average, and summers cooler than average.
  • Surface currents tend to be higher at the VMT than at the Duck Flats, given their locations (along the middle of the Port versus at the head). Visual representations of surface current vectors showed that summer sea breezes consistently influenced surface currents, although the current directions were different between the two buoys.
  • Tidal oscillations were more prevalent during calmer periods, and current directions were much more variable in autumn and winter.

Port Valdez Weather Buoy Data Analysis

While it is still too early to confirm weather patterns, there is enough data available to start to analyze trends. These buoys are expected to collect weather data for at least five years. Dr. Rob Campbell analyzed the data for the Council and submitted this report.

This is the first of a series of analyses. Find more at: Analyzing weather data

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