A recent study of operations and maintenance of Alyeska’s cathodic protection system found that the program was “very good;” however improvements are still needed.
National Pipeline Services, a consulting company that specializes in cathodic protections, conducted the study for the Council. They looked specifically at the systems that prevent corrosion in the metal piping that carries crude oil through the terminal to the large oil storage tanks.
The researchers based their report on a review of documents, procedures, testing, and results from previous inspections of those systems.
The final report summarized the systems currently in use at the terminal, as well as Alyeska’s methods for monitoring and testing the systems.
The researchers concluded that overall, it appears Alyeska has a “very good corrosion and cathodic protection program.” The procedures for operating and monitoring the system are adequate and within standard industry practices and Federal guided requirements.
The report also noted that certain improvements could further reduce the risk of a crude oil spill, such as ensuring data collection procedures are adequately implemented. Data used to ensure that the crude oil piping’s cathodic protection system is operating effectively does not appear to have been collected properly.
The researchers commended Alyeska on their use of remote monitoring systems, which continuously monitor and evaluate the systems. They added that Alyeska’s annual reporting for integrity management is exceptional and well documented.
Review of Cathodic Protection Systems at the Valdez Marine Terminal