Alaska tourism and recreation organization closes its doors

Cathy Hart
Cathy Hart

The Alaska Wilderness Recreation and Tourism Association closed at the end of December. The association represented the interests of the recreation and tourism industry on the board for over 20 years.

The association was active after the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, providing a voice for the wilderness dependent businesses in Prince William Sound who were gravely affected by the spill.

“We always wanted to have a voice in places where our businesses need a healthy ecosystem to thrive,” said Cathy Hart, president of the association and one of its founders.

Hart represented the association’s interests on the council since early 2008. She was seated after long-time board member Stan Stephens retired. Stephens had held the seat since the association joined the council in 1992. Stephens later rejoined the board as the representative of the City of Valdez.

Hart served on the council’s executive committee as secretary in 2009 and 2014, and as member-at-large in 2010. She chaired the council’s Long Range Planning Committee from 2009 through 2014. The committee develops the council’s five year strategic planning efforts.

Hart joined the council’s Information and Education Committee when that group reformed in 2008. She will remain on that committee.

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