Board of directors meeting in Cordova

The council’s board of directors met in Cordova on September 15 and 16.

Topics on the agenda included:

  • An update on Alyeska’s plan for the transition from Crowley to Edison Chouest
  • The council’s plan to monitor the transition from Crowley to Edison Chouest
  • An update on the renewal of the Prince William Sound oil spill contingency plan for tankers
  • An update on the status of Prince William Sound herring
  • A presentation on requirements for marine vessel pilots in Prince William Sound
  • An update on BP’s use of foreign-flagged vessels in Prince William Sound


Download meeting materials:

Become a Master of Disaster!

From the Valdez event: Kids race to be the first to run the length of an oil tanker.

Join staff and volunteers from the council, along with our partners Prince William Sound Science Center and Copper River Watershed Project, for an afternoon of FREE fun and interactive oil spill prevention and response activities for the whole family.

Event flyer. Click for larger image.

On Friday, September 16 from 3:30-5:30, join us at the commons at Mt. Eccles Elementary School. Pick up a “passport” and receive stamps at each station, and become a Master of Disaster. Anyone who completes all of the stations wins a special prize. Stations will include:

  • Oil spill in a pan
  • Wildlife clean-up
  • How big is a tanker?
  • How do we protect sensitive areas?
  • And more!

Read more

Marine Invasive Species Bioblitz in Valdez

The council is collaborating with the Prince William Sound College and the Smithsonian for a two-day Marine Invasive Species Bioblitz on September 9 and 10 in Valdez. Learn about invasive species that threaten Prince William Sound and look for them in Valdez Harbor.

Your help with this bioblitz will help establish critical baseline data for future research, invasive species management, and conservation initiatives.

Pre-training workshop on Friday, September 9.
Expedition to look for invasive species in Valdez harbor.

More details at the event website: Marine Invasive Species Bioblitz in Valdez

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