U.S. Coast Guard recertifies Council

The Council is recertified for another year as the official citizens’ advisory group for Prince William Sound.

In a February letter to the Council, Rear Admiral N.A. Moore, Commander of the Coast Guard’s District 17 in Juneau, notified the Council of the decision.

The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 requires the Council to be recertified annually to ensure that its responsibilities have been met. Every three years, the recertification is opened for public comment.

The Council received 76 letters of support from organizations, agencies, businesses, Native corporations, and members of the public during the recertification process.

“Of the 76 comments received during the public comment period, 76 were supportive of recertification and noted the positive efforts demonstrated by PWSRCAC as it carries out its mission and responsibilities as intended by the Act,” the Admiral noted in the letter.

The new recertification expires February 29, 2024. At that time, the Council is scheduled to undergo the streamlined version of recertification. The next public comment period will be held in three years.

Copies of the Council’s application for recertification or letters of support received can be obtained by contacting Brooke Taylor at brooke.taylor@pwsrcac.org.

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