Council seeking help with oil spill contingency plan reviews

The Council is soliciting statements of qualifications from experts who are familiar with contingency planning issues in Alaska. 

The Council participates in:

  • the State of Alaska’s public reviews of the Prince William Sound crude oil tanker oil spill contingency plans,
  • the Valdez Marine Terminal oil spill contingency plan,
  • and the federal and state preparedness plans for response to oil and hazardous substance discharges/releases. 

In addition to participating in these reviews, PWSRCAC takes part in the review and implementation of conditions of approval placed on contingency plans by state or federal regulatory agencies, and other continuous improvement processes and proposed amendments to the plans. The Council monitors other contingency plan-related issues and provides input when deemed appropriate. 

For consideration of inclusion on the list of qualified contractors, interested technical experts are encouraged to submit a statement of qualifications relevant to the types of work product(s) and expertise described in the request for qualifications below.

Submittal deadline: March 24, 2023

RFQ – Oil Spill Contingency Plan Reviewers


Address questions via email to: Linda Swiss at

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