Below are links to all Observer articles from 2013 to the present. Articles appear in order by date with most recent articles at the top of the page.
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From Alyeska: Believe in Zero: Safety mindset helps prevent incidents
Cathy Hart: Photographer focuses on fostering environmental stewardship
Researchers find new non-native species in Prince William Sound
New maps show winter hotspots for marine birds
Schantz & Archibald: Good resource development depends on strong regulations
Analysis of weather conditions will help improve spill response
Whittier community engages with on-water oil spill response training
Modern technologies changing oil spill response
Volunteer brings oceans of experience to Council committee
Council shoring up its crew: two promotions and a new hire
Onboard ballast water systems helping reduce spread of invasive species
Community Corner: Prince William Sound College students tour Bligh Reef
Council concerned about vessel-whale strikes
From Alyeska: New Allison Creek response barge joins Alyeska’s fleet
Remaining vigilant: Review of government oversight is needed
Prince William Sound citizens’ council remains committed to its mission
Council announces election of board officers to serve until May 2025
Community Corner: Alaskans still learning from the Exxon Valdez spill
New member entity joins Council
Schantz: Citizen oversight leads to safer transportation of oil
Contingency plan for terminal under review
Tim Robertson: Real-life experiences improve oil spill response
Decades-old monitoring program still innovating
Under-studied component of hydrocarbons documented in discharge from terminal
New station at Copper River Delta to monitor for high winds
From the President and Executive Director: Building trust takes time and transparency
From Alyeska: Alyeska Pipeline Service Company releases inaugural ESG Report
Community Corner: Music, Salmon, and Oil Spill Prevention
Analysis of weather conditions released
How learning to listen can help communities heal from disasters
Surveys emphasize importance of protecting nearshore habitat for wintering birds
Analysis of genes increases understanding of oil’s effects
Alaska North Slope oil trending lighter since 2010
Archibald: The power of ‘our’: Overcoming challenges by owning responsibilities
Terminal operations lead moves on; new project manager joins team
From Alyeska: John Kurz named President and CEO of Alyeska Pipeline Service Company
Report raises concerns about safety at the Valdez Marine Terminal
Drills and exercises getting back to normal
Valdez community engages with on-water oil spill response training
Board elects officers for upcoming year
From Alyeska: The Prince William Sound Traveling Health Fair sails again
From the executive director: Keeping the Exxon Valdez disaster in the rearview mirror
Researchers cautiously optimistic about increase in young herring
Fishing for answers: Geneticist using DNA to decode Alaska salmon’s family ties
Electric current can find damage in underground liners
ADEC releases final ruling for Alaska’s oil spill prevention and response plans
Invasive species intern recognized for stewardship of Alaska’s coastal waters
U.S. Coast Guard recertifies Council
Trent Dodson: Bait the education hook early to reel in later learners
From Alyeska: Prince William Sound – a place of unrivaled beauty
Partnering to protect the places we live, work, play
Community Corner: A new look at old programs
Plankton change with the seasons in Prince William Sound
Council updates position on dispersant use during an oil spill
Matt Cullin builds life of growth and success out of expertise in corrosion and failure analysis
From Alyeska: “A journey, never a job.”
Council chronicles history of spill protection plans for Copper River Delta and Flats
Schantz: The value of learning from history and experience
Patience Andersen Faulkner retires; recognized for 24 years service
Oliver moves on; Long-time volunteers honored
Council announces election of Board officers
After 25 years of work on invasive species, Council studies remain innovative
Volunteer cultivates resilience and seaweed in Prince William Sound
Council mourns loss of Anchorage staffer
Three new staff members join the Anchorage office
The Council’s “all-purpose bureaucrat” looking forward to a busy retirement
Drills and exercises affected by pandemic again in 2021
From Alyeska: New year, new barge, renewed optimism for 2022
Schantz: Collaboration leads to better solutions for prevention and response
Council supports Alyeska’s appeal to EPA
Changes proposed to Alaska’s regulations on oil spill prevention and response
Community Corner: Committee volunteer recognized for achievements in conservation
Prince William Sound is home to a variety of bird species in winter
Schantz and Archibald: Safeguarding our prevention and response system
A journey through time: New Council report documents history of tanker contingency plan
From Alyeska: Alyeska wins award for conservation of natural resources from U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Volunteer Spotlight: Patience Andersen Faulkner
Study shows purpose-driven design can improve performance
Who is responsible for an oil spill in Prince William Sound?
New staff member brings valuable expertise to Council
Community Corner: Prince William Sound Natural History Symposium goes virtual
From Alyeska: Annual health fair held online
Schantz: Safe transportation of oil requires local knowledge
New tool to support Regional Stakeholder Committee
Corrosion protection system for terminal’s crude oil pipes in good shape overall
Review of maintenance records finds improvements needed for oil storage tank
Council publishes updated guide for technological disasters
Council announces election of Board officers
Community Corner: We miss our volunteer family!
Repairs to Prince William Sound’s radar in the works
Escort tug Courageous damages the tanker Polar Endeavour in January incident
Sale of BP’s Alaska assets approved
How has subsistence harvest changed over time in the Exxon Valdez oil spill region?
Schantz and Archibald: Walking the talk on responsible energy development
Council recertified as citizens’ advisory group for Prince William Sound
Compromise reached over habitat protections
Inoperable radar in Prince William Sound concerns Council
Potential regulation changes to undergo extended public comment period
Industry drills test equipment and personnel
Community Corner: How does outreach continue in a pandemic?
From the executive director: Maintaining Alaska’s High Standards in Spill Prevention and Response
From Alyeska: Collaboration and dedication helps ease tough year
Systems at fault in April Valdez Terminal spill identified
Community Corner: Peer listeners build community resilience
From the executive director: EPA’s temporary policy limits inspections and enforcement actions
From Alyeska: Alyeska wins United States Coast Guard award for environmental excellence
State of Alaska’s oil spill prevention and response funding unsustainable
Council recertified as official citizens’ advisory group in Prince William Sound
New Board member for Chugach Alaska
Transparency is the foundation of public trust
Shares of pipeline and terminal expected to change hands this year
Alaska’s oil spill laws and regulations opened for public review
Public statements by Commissioner Brune cause concern
From Alyeska: Brigham McCown named new president of Alyeska Pipeline
Genetic testing reveals no new marine invasive species
Study evaluates places of refuge
Volunteers engage Kenai students in oil spill lessons
Upgrades at Valdez Marine Terminal improve safe operations
From Alyeska: Alyeska traveling health fair: Positive impact in the Sound
Community Corner: Transparency is key to preserving relationships in an era of mistrust
New buoys now streaming weather conditions from Port Valdez
Staff news: Long-time science manager retires
Homer representative elected president of Council
Thirty years later, Council continues mission to combat complacency
New buoys will collect data about winds and currents in Port Valdez
New study analyzes weather at Hinchinbrook Entrance
Out-of-service buoy and winter storms raise concerns
Drills test new response equipment and personnel
Community Corner: Council fosters pathways to engaged citizens
Outreach coordinator Matlock leaves the Council
How Alaskans reimagined oil spill prevention and response
From Alyeska: Inspecting the “uninspectable”
Oil spill prevention and response services transition to new contractor
Changes to oil spill contingency plans approved
Piping inspections near completion
New tech improves knowledge of water circulation in Port Valdez
Community Corner: Devoted to the cause of safe oil transportation
Schantz: Prevention and response improving, full capabilities not yet proven
From Alyeska: Transition activities – an update from Alyeska
Al Burch resigns from Board of Directors
Council elects officers for next year
New Board members join the Council
New vessels and barges on their way to Alaska
Safe oil transportation: Are we really so far apart?
Amendment to industry’s plan for preventing and responding to oil spills approved
Steve Lewis: How a grizzly bear hide resulted in safer tanker traffic in Alaska
From Alyeska: Safety is a priority for Alyeska and all our contractors
Council recertified by Coast Guard through March 2019
Community Corner: Citizen scientists help the Council monitor our region
Plan for applying dispersants to crude oil spills in Alaska waters updated
Council representatives visit Louisiana shipyards
Oil spill contingency plans for Prince William Sound under review
North Slope crude oil spills into Port Valdez
We trust, but we must also verify, new improvements in system
From Alyeska: Well-trained teams mount aggressive response to terminal spill
Community Corner: Alaska youth explore the Sound
Planning for marine services changeover under way
Community Corner: Local government is an important conduit for sharing information and concerns
Council recertified by Coast Guard through February 2018
From the Executive Director: Citizens and partnerships in the safe transportation of oil
From Alyeska: Alyeska staff find creative solutions for safe snow removal
Council recertification application available for public review
Vessel construction, planning underway for Crowley to Edison Chouest transition
Smithsonian partners with council to search for marine invasive species
Tom Kuckertz: Retired staff member still contributes engineering expertise to council’s mission
Community Corner: Partnerships help involve the next generation in the council’s mission
From the Executive Director: Recertification is time for reflection and self-evaluation
Conference focuses on best practices in towing rope technology
Former board member Marilynn Heddell passes
Foreign tankers arrive in Prince William Sound
Council applauds decision to keep public engagement tool for spill response in Alaska
Kate Morse: Volunteer helps connect new generations with council’s mission
Council hires director of external communications
Peer Listening: Building resilience in communities affected by human-caused disasters
From the President and Executive Director: Partnerships build trust and help prevent oil spills
From Alyeska: Pipe inspections on terminal finds no repairs needed
Council’s executive committee re-elected to another term in office
Homer teens use technology to monitor Kachemak Bay for aquatic invasions
Marine services for Alyeska to change hands in 2018
Community Corner: A tour of the crown jewel of local oil spill response
New plan for using dispersants in Alaska is in effect
Council questions proposed changes to ADEC response exercise program
Schantz appointed as head of council
Wrede joining council staff; Changes in Anchorage office
From Alyeska: Alyeska receives Governor’s Safety Award of Excellence
Colin Daugherty: An unlikely Alaskan helps protect Prince William Sound
Council and partners plan test of spill surrogate for response training
Alyeska and City of Valdez agree to plan for joint firefighting response
What is an oil spill contingency plan?
Report shows air pollutants in Prince William Sound reduced by hundreds of tons per year
Community Corner: The importance of public comment
From the Executive Director: Ignore the lessons of history at our own peril
Interns help fulfill council’s mission
Jeremy Talbott: A life on the water inspires stewardship of the sea
Swanson resigns as head of citizens’ council
Researchers say ice drifting into tanker lanes will be smaller but more numerous in future
Community Corner: Passing the torch through story
Falling oil prices shouldn’t mean reduced environmental protections
Expedition reshapes Kodiak educator’s feelings about Prince William Sound
Jane Eisemann – Kodiak volunteer passionate about working for the council
Joe Banta marks twenty-five years of service to the council
Robotic inspection tool redefines Trans-Alaska Pipeline innovation
Oral history teaches new generation about Exxon spill
Firefighters from across Alaska converge on Valdez to learn about marine fire response
Executive committee for next year includes a mix of council experience and new members
Pete Heddell: Exxon Valdez taught many lessons to those who paid attention
How can we combine efforts and verify response capabilities?
Community Corner: Sharing our mission with students
New law means sustainable funds for spill prevention and response in Alaska
New staff member has deep ties to Alaska
UPDATED JULY 1: Budget cuts threaten spill response equipment in remote Alaska communities
Environmental Protection Agency revising rules on oil spill dispersants
New regulations mean cleaner air in Prince William Sound
State spill prevention and response division prevails in fight for funding
Mikkel Foltmar: New volunteer’s expertise benefits terminal projects
Listening to downstream concerns
In tough economy, good news for risk of oil spills in Alaska
Alyeska program wins award for stewardship and sustainability
New council members to represent Kenai, Seward, Kodiak, Homer communities
Then and Now – 25 years of citizen involvement following the Exxon Valdez oil spill
Corrosion found in piping at terminal; Alyeska plans fix
Oil spill drills teach lesson in prevention
A look back at the early years of the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council
From Alyeska: SERVS’ tugs help tankers dock safely at terminal
John LeClair: Oil spill response lessons from fighting wildfires
Revised curriculum educates about oil spill prevention and response
Liberty Bay enters service in Prince William Sound
To prevent oil spills, we must focus on the right risks
Single-hulled tankers now outlawed in U.S. waters
Eisemann and Selanoff pass the torch
Alaska tourism and recreation organization closes its doors
Council weighs in on terminal contingency plan changes
Linda Robinson: New committee volunteer has long history with council
Symposium for marine firefighters set for May
Anchorage and Valdez offices welcome new staff members
What’s in an oil spill contingency plan? Prevention and response and the essence of preparedness
Powerful new vessel joins oil spill response fleet
Alaska students reflect on effects of oil spills
Developing internships for the council’s future
Experience in Sound ignites educators’ passion to pass on environmental stewardship
First of two new oil tankers to begin service in Prince William Sound in 2014
Prince William Sound spill contingency plans under review
Bauer reelected, new members welcomed, long-time volunteers honored
After a long life of service, Walt Parker passes away at 87
John Devens, former council executive director, dies at 74
Iver Malutin, Kodiak advocate, passes away at 82
New Zealanders visit Alaska in search of Exxon Valdez lessons
Let’s not write off mechanical oil recovery in Prince William Sound spill response
Employee training increases safety, saves lives
Oral history of Exxon Valdez now complete and online
Council staffer keeps a close eye on terminal for last fourteen years
Anchorage administrative assistant position changes hands
Inspection and testing of secondary containment liners at terminal observed
The power of shared history – Chenega Bay
Oil spill response training focuses on nearshore and sensitive area protection
Coast Guard receives 78 support letters for council
Council meets with elected officials in DC and Juneau
Gordon Scott tells his story of “Life at half a knot”
Intern helps council develop suggestions to improve fishing vessel program
What have we learned in the last 25 years?
Safety stewardship from shore to sea
Council study reviews remote operations at Valdez Marine Terminal
Homer students present program on effects of oil spills
Students design remotely operated oil spill response vehicles in Seward ocean science competition
Taking the long view – why do we involve youth in our programs?
25 years after Exxon Valdez oil spill
Real storm plays role in October spill drill
New guidelines for using dispersants proposed
Sound loses tireless environmental defender
Council study reviews escort tug technology
Sarah Allen: Oil spills have been a major influence on new volunteer
Workshop helps citizens understand incident command system
Firefighting symposium held in Seward; includes live fire training for first time
From the Executive Director: Value of regional stakeholder input process deserves to be preserved
From Alyeska: Remembering Stan Stephens: Never an adversary, always an advocate
Valdez resident takes over committee support for council
Council tours tanker Overseas Martinez at the Valdez Marine Terminal
Why commemorate the Exxon Valdez oil spill 25 years later?
Recent inspections for potential pipe corrosion at terminal show encouraging results
New outreach coordinator joins council staff
Long time volunteer retires from board
Council staff witness lingering Exxon Valdez oil
Carey takes industry preparedness position with Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
Drones to be used for oil spill monitoring in Arctic
Working together effectively is a matter of balance and finding the middle road
Alyeska intern impressed by safe work environment
Oil spill response in Sound depends on trained fishing vessel crews
Annual science event to be held in December
Community Corner – Conferences help keep the council on the cutting edge
Industry and council test spill response plans during drill
Citizens’ advisory council for Gulf of Mexico holds first meeting
Community Corner: Looking back at a productive 23 years at the council
Citizen network monitors for aquatic invasive species
Council representatives head to Washington
From the Executive Director: Dispersant use in spill response a concern for many
Orson Smith: Engineering expert motivated by intellectual challenges
Citizens’ council board elects new officers, seats new members
Traveling fair brings health and wellness services to Prince William Sound communities
Terminal spill contingency plan review extended
Council and partners work to permit oil spill simulant for response training
Review of proposed contingency plan shows some areas improved, others need more detail
Colder and saltier water increases toxic effects of dispersed oil
Council studies effects of low level exposure to chemically dispersed crude oil on zooplankton
Sustaining our resolve to push for improvements in the face of lingering complacency
Trans Alaska pipeline important to Alaska’s economy
Citizens’ council calls for increased oil spill funding
New deputy director for administration to lead council staff in Anchorage
Possible funding shortfall for state spill prevention and response on the horizon
Invasive species bill introduced to Alaska legislature
New website technology helps keep public better informed about council issues and activities
Kodiak and Valdez students build remotely controlled vehicles to respond to mock oil spill
Valdez graduate chosen to sail with Polar Tankers’ cadet program
Staff attends Coast Guard training on incident command system
Group plans update for oil spill educational curriculum
Study looks at changes in Columbia Glacier and effects on oil transportation
Updated tanker oil spill plans for Sound approved in November
Long-time staff member Stan Jones to retire
Fall drills and exercises test industry spill response plans
Bob Jaynes works hard to protect beloved Sound
From Alyeska: Alyeska fire brigade wins top awards at state event
Ocean science festival held in Cordova, coming to Valdez
Council hires librarian to manage document collection
Highlights of recent council activities and news, January 2013
Community Corner – Outreach activities help us connect with others in our region