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Title/Additional DetailsAuthorDateDescriptionView Documenthf:doc_categories
2024 Sediment Metals Reportfjord & fish sciences, Morgan L. BenderJanuary 25, 2025This pilot study provides a summary of 23 metals identified in sediments collected near two monitoring sites in Port Valdez.ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Five-Year Long Range Plan July 2025 through June 2029 (Fiscal Years 2026-2030)PWSRCACJanuary 24, 2025This five-year plan is intended to provide a framework, process, and template, within which annual work plans and budgets can …long-range-plan resources
Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program 2024 Technical Supplementfjord & fish sciences, Morgan L. BenderDecember 1, 2024This technical supplement contains information on field sampling, and analytical and data analysis methods used to monitor and assess environmental …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program 2024 Summary Reportfjord & fish sciences, Morgan L. BenderDecember 1, 2024The major environmental monitoring activities of the Council are conducted through the long-term environmental monitoring project, known as LTEMP. This …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
2022 Tank Pressure/Vacuum Pallet Damage: Crude Oil Storage Tank Headspace Gas AssessmentTaku Engineering, William MottDecember 1, 2024In this report, contractor Bill Mott of Taku Engineering summarized the calculations and key assumptions (due to the limited available …terminal-operations programs
The Observer – Fall/Winter 2024November 22, 2024Articles: Researchers find new non-native species in Prince William Sound New maps show winter hotspots for marine birds Volunteer Spotlight: …observer-newsletters newsroom
2023-2024 Annual ReportPWSRCACOctober 29, 2024This Annual Report is a summary of the Council’s work from July 2023 through June 2024.annual-reports current-year-annual-report about
2023 Financial StatementOctober 28, 2024Financial report for years ended June 30, 2023 and about
2022 Form 990October 28, 2024Tax information for 7/1/2022 through 6/30/2023.form-990 about
Regional Evaluation of Non-indigenous Marine Species in Prince William SoundGregory M. Ruiz et al., Smithsonian Environmental Research CenterSeptember 24, 2024The report describes a survey conducted in 2023, looking for non-indigenous species (NIS) in the waters of Prince William Sound.nis programs
Port Valdez Weather Buoy Analysis 2019 – 2023Dr Robert W. Campbell, Prince William Sound Science CenterSeptember 24, 2024In this report, Dr. Robert Campbell presents his analysis of data from two weather buoys that are sponsored by the …weather maritime-operations programs
Prince William Sound RCAC board to meet in Kodiak, September 19-20, 2024September 10, 2024Media release for September 2024 Board of Directors’ meeting.
Flier for 2024 Kodiak Board meeting and public eventsSeptember 3, 20242024 Kodiak Board Meeting Thursday, Sept. 19, 8:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20, 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. …correspondence resources
The Observer – Summer 2024August 6, 2024Articles: Modern technologies changing oil spill response Volunteer brings oceans of experience to Council committee Council shoring up its crew: …observer-newsletters newsroom
Marine Bird Hotspots in Prince William SoundAnne Schaefer, Mary Anne Bishop, Prince William Sound Science CenterJuly 1, 2024This report summarizes winter marine bird surveys in Prince William Sound, Alaska, by identifying high-use areas, or hot spots.oil-spill-response-operations programs
Green Crab Attack: European Green Crab Explainer ActivityJune 12, 2024Activity Overview This is a short explainer activity for a booth or similar informal education/outreach venue to share about marine …explainer-activity
PWSRAC Strategic Plan Approved May 2024PWSRCACMay 13, 2024The Council’s one-page strategic plan summarizes the Board’s priorities for organizational goals and direction.long-range-plan resources
2023 Annual Drill Monitoring ReportPWSRCAC, Roy RobertsonMay 13, 2024This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors in …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
Notes from the March 6, 2024 SERVS Contracted Vessel Fleet Representative MeetingJeremy Robida, PWSRCACMay 6, 2024This report summarizes discussions during a meeting of representatives from the contracted vessel fleet. Attendees discussed program health and port-specific …fishing-vessel-training oil-spill-response-operations programs
PWSRCAC May 2024 Board officers press releasePWSRCACMay 3, 2024media-releases newsroom
Review of Crude Oil Storage Tank 2 Out-of-Service Inspection DocumentsTaku Engineering, William MottMay 1, 2024In this report, Taku Engineering summarized their review of documents associated with the American Petroleum Institute (API) 653 Out-of-Service inspections …terminal-operations programs
Review of Ballast Water Tank 94 and Crude Oil Storage Tank 7 Out-of-Service Inspection ReportsTaku Engineering, William MottMay 1, 2024This report summarizes a review of the procedures and reports for inspections conducted on tanks 7 and 94 at the …terminal-operations programs
Prince William Sound RCAC board meeting and reception in Valdez, May 2024PWSRCACApril 23, 2024media-releases newsroom
The Observer – March 2024PWSRCACMarch 15, 2024A publication of the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council 35 years after Exxon Valdez: How has oil transportation …observer-newsletters newsroom
PWSRCAC Reports Compendium 2024PWSRCACFebruary 29, 2024This document contains a list of selected scientific and technical reports that highlight the work of the Council. reportscompendium programs
Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program 2022‒2023 Technical SupplementMorgan L. Bender, Owl Ridge Natural Resource ConsultantsJanuary 30, 2024This technical supplement contains information on field sampling, and analytical and data analysis methods used to monitor and assess environmental …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program 2022-2023 Summary ReportMorgan L. Bender, Owl Ridge Natural Resource ConsultantsJanuary 30, 2024The major environmental monitoring activities of the Council are conducted through the long-term environmental monitoring project, known as LTEMP. This …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Long Range Plan – July 2024 Through June 2029 (Fiscal years 2025-2029)PWSRCACJanuary 30, 2024This five-year plan is intended to provide a framework, process, and template, within which annual work plans and budgets can …long-range-plan resources
PWSRCAC BylawsPWSRCACJanuary 25, 2024The Council’s Bylaws are the internal rules and regulations that govern how the Council is run. The version linked below …about
PWSRCAC comments on 2024 VMT Contingency Plan RenewalDecember 15, 2023Letter from PWSRCAC with comments on proposed changes to the Valdez Marine Terminal’s oil spill contingency plans.correspondence resources
Then & Now: 35 Years After the Exxon Valdez Oil SpillPWSRCACDecember 14, 2023Thirty-five years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill, what has changed? This report, Then & Now, reviews what changes have …then-and-now resources
2023 Science NightNovember 17, 2023Detailed agenda for 2023 Science Night.environmental-monitoring programs
2022-2023 Annual ReportPWSRCACNovember 3, 2023This Annual Report is a summary of the Council’s work from July 2022 through June 2023.annual-reports current-year-annual-report about
The Observer – Fall/Winter 2023PWSRCACNovember 3, 2023observer-newsletters newsroom
PWSRCAC’s Comments on Tanker Contingency Plan – 2023October 20, 2023This document contains the Council’s comments and requests for additional information on the application for a major amendment to the Prince …correspondence resources
Examining the Effectiveness of Ballast Water Treatment Processes: Insights into Hydrocarbon Oxidation Product Formation and Environmental ImplicationsDavid C. Podgorski, Maxwell L. HarshaSeptember 22, 2023Abstract: This study investigates the treatment processes employed at a ballast water treatment facility in Valdez, Alaska, to remove hydrocarbons …environmental-monitoring ltemp programs
Port Valdez Weather Buoy Analysis 2019 – 2022Dr Robert W. CampbellSeptember 1, 2023This report summarizes three years of meteorological and oceanographic measurements made by two buoys deployed in Port Valdez, one adjacent …weather maritime-operations programs
Stories from a citizens’ councilPWSRCACAugust 30, 2023Personal reflections on the formation and early years of the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Councilcitizen-oversight-and-history-of-the-council resources
Peer Listener Training ManualAugust 21, 2023The Peer Listener Manual is a resource for those looking to provide peer support in the event of a technological …coping-with-technological-disasters resources
The Observer – Summer 2023PWSRCACJuly 15, 2023observer-newsletters newsroom
Crude Oil Storage Tank Vent Snow DamageTaku Engineering, William MottJune 28, 2023In March of 2022, snow accumulated on Alyeska Pipeline Service Company’s crude storage tanks at the Valdez Marine Terminal and …terminal-operations programs
Marine Bird Winter Surveys in Prince William Sound – 2023Anne Schaefer, M.A. BishopJune 26, 2023Of the marine birds that overwinter in Prince William Sound (PWS), Alaska, nine species and one species group were initially …oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
Sustainable Shipping: Regulatory Mandate ReviewHaley Griffin, Nuka Research Planning Group LLC, Sierra FletcherJune 1, 2023As with all engines that burn fossil fuels, adverse health and environmental impacts arise when pollutants are released from vessels, …maritime-operations programs
Prince William Sound RCAC announces election of board officersMay 8, 2023media-releases newsroom
2022 Drill Monitoring ReportPWSRCAC, Roy RobertsonMay 4, 2023This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors in …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
Transmittal letter to the Alaska Congressional DelegationPWSRCACApril 24, 2023Letter to Alaska delegation transmitting the report “Assessment of Risks and Safety Culture at Alyeska’s Valdez Marine Terminal” by Ms. …terminal-operations programs
Assessment of Risks and Safety Culture at Alyeska’s Valdez Marine TerminalBillie Pirner GardeApril 24, 2023This report was initiated in June 2022, in response to safety concerns at the Valdez Marine Terminal (VMT) brought to …garde-report terminal-operations correspondence resources programs
Transmittal letter to OSHAPWSRCACApril 24, 2023Letter from PWSRCAC to OSHA regarding the report titled ‘Assessment of Risks and Safety Culture at Alyeska’s Valdez Marine Terminal,’ …garde-report correspondence resources
Transmittal letter to Joint Pipeline OfficePWSRCACApril 24, 2023Letter from PWSRCAC to Joint Pipeline Office regarding the report titled ‘Assessment of Risks and Safety Culture at Alyeska’s Valdez …garde-report correspondence resources
Transmittal letter to Governor DunleavyPWSRCACApril 24, 2023Letter from PWSRCAC to Governor Mike Dunleavy regarding the report titled ‘Assessment of Risks and Safety Culture at Alyeska’s Valdez …garde-report correspondence resources
Transmittal letter to Alyeska Pipeline Service CompanyPWSRCACApril 24, 2023Letter from PWSRCAC to Alyeska Pipeline Service Company regarding the report titled ‘Assessment of Risks and Safety Culture at Alyeska’s …garde-report correspondence resources
Transmittal letter to Alaska Senate President and Speaker Of The HousePWSRCACApril 24, 2023Letter from PWSRCAC to Alaska Senate President and Speaker Of The House regarding the report titled ?Assessment of Risks and …garde-report correspondence resources
The Observer – Spring 2023March 30, 2023observer-newsletters newsroom
2021 Form 990March 17, 2023Tax information for 7/1/2021 through 6/30/2022.form-990 about
Executive Summary Of Effects Of The April 2020 Oil Spill Detected In Study Of Mussel GenesAustin Love, Brenda Ballachey, Eric Litman, James R. Payne, Lizabeth Bowen, Shannon Waters, William B. DriskellMarch 1, 2023On April 12, 2020, a minor oil spill was reported at the Valdez Marine Terminal (VMT) in Port Valdez, Alaska. …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Review Of The 2019 Alaska North Slope Oil Properties Relevant To Environmental Assessment And PredictionMerv Fingas, Spill ScienceMarch 1, 2023This report titled ‘2019 Alaska North Slope Crude Oil Properties’ by Dr. Merv Fingas, is based on a lab analysis …environmental-monitoring programs
Dispersants Literature Database – Updated February 2023Merv Fingas, Spill ScienceFebruary 21, 2023The Council has sponsored what we believe is one of the most complete compilations of articles written on oil spill …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
PWSRCAC Dispersant Use Position Supporting MaterialsNuka Research Planning Group LLCJanuary 27, 2023These materials were developed to aid in communicating the rationale for the Council’s position that was adopted in September 2022 …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Transcriptomic responses to an Alaskan oil spill over time reveal a dynamic multisystem involvement in exposed mussels (Mytilus trossulus)Austin Love, Brenda Ballachey, Eric Litman, James R. Payne, Lizabeth Bowen, Shannon Waters, William B. DriskellJanuary 1, 2023In response to a minor shoreline spill in Port Valdez, AK, a time series of mussels (M. trossulus) was collected …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Review of Literature on Oil Spill Dispersants: 2021-2023Merv Fingas, Spill ScienceJanuary 1, 2023This is a summary report on dispersants and dispersant research. This is an update to the previous detailed summary which …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Port Valdez Weather Buoy Analysis 2019 – 2021Dr Robert W. CampbellDecember 7, 2022This report by Dr. Robert Campbell of the Prince William Sound Science Center. Dr Campbell has been analyzing data collected …oil-spill-response-operations programs
Fall 2022 Observer newsletterDecember 5, 2022observer-newsletters newsroom
Methodologies for Evaluating Defects in the Catalytically Blown Asphalt Liner in the Secondary Containment System at the Valdez Marine TerminalDr. Craig H. BensonNovember 29, 2022This report describes methods that can be used to evaluate the catalytically blown asphalt (CBA) liner in the secondary containment …terminal-operations programs
2022 Prince William Sound Forage Fish ObservationsW. Scott PegauNovember 28, 2022For this project, researchers conducted aerial surveys of forage fish in Prince William Sound (PWS) to identify areas where forage …oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
Flyer: European green crab have arrived in AlaskaPWSRCACNovember 23, 2022Flyer on European green crab. Details about discovery in SE Alaska, how to identify these crabs, and what to do …nis programs
2022 Financial StatementNovember 23, 2022Financial report for years ended June 30, 2022 and about
2021-2022 Annual ReportNovember 1, 2022annual-reports about
Prince William Sound RCAC updates position on dispersant use during an oil spillOctober 4, 2022media-releases newsroom
Dispersant Use Position Update – Report On Board Of Directors WorkshopsOctober 4, 2022This report is an interim deliverable to the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council (PWSRCAC) under contract 9550.22.01 to …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program 2021 Technical SupplementMorgan L. Bender, Owl Ridge Natural Resource ConsultantsSeptember 30, 2022This document is the technical supplement for the Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program 2021 Summary Report.ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
PWSRCAC’s Position On The Use Of Chemical DispersantsPWSRCACSeptember 26, 2022The Council’s position on the use of chemical dispersants.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Prince William Sound Out-Of-Region Oil Spill Response Equipment SurveyNuka Research Planning Group LLC, Tim RobertsonSeptember 1, 2022This report presents a survey of oil spill response equipment available from outside the Prince William Sound (PWS)/Gulf of Alaska …oil-spill-response-operations programs
Marine Bird Winter Surveys in Prince William Sound – 2022Anne Schaefer, M.A. Bishop, Prince William Sound Science CenterAugust 5, 2022This report summarizes the second Council-sponsored winter-time survey of marine birds in and around the tanker escort zones of Prince …oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
Evaluation of Peer Listener ProgramPurpose Driven ConsultingAugust 2, 2022This evaluation provides a comprehensive analysis of PWSRCAC’s Peer Listener Program to improve program operation and generate new knowledge focused …coping-with-technological-disasters resources
2020 Form 990July 12, 2022Tax information for 7/1/2020 through 6/30/2021.form-990 about
2021 Financial StatementBDO USAJuly 12, 2022financial-statements about
Summer 2022 ObserverJuly 12, 2022observer-newsletters newsroom
Variation in Zooplankton Community Composition in Prince William Sound across Space and TimeDr. Jonathan Geller, Dr. Katrina Lohan, Moss Landing Marine Laboratory, Smithsonian Environmental Research CenterJuly 5, 2022This report summarizes a genetic analysis of zooplankton in Prince William Sound.nis programs
Crude Oil Storage Tank 8 Floor and Cathodic Protection System Design ReviewTaku Engineering, William MottJune 1, 2022This study reviewed preliminary design documents for the floor and CP system replacement as well as historical operating data for …terminal-operations programs
Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program 2021 Summary ReportJames R. Payne, Morgan L. Bender, Owl Ridge Natural Resource Consultants, William B. DriskellMay 30, 2022This document is a summary report for 28th year of Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program.ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Articles Of IncorporationMay 27, 2022about
Seward community engages with on-water oil spill response trainingApril 15, 2022media-releases newsroom
PWS Tanker Oil Spill Prevention & Contingency Plan, Summary 1995-2020Nuka Research Planning Group LLCMarch 1, 2022This report is a history of the oil spill prevention and response plan for crude oil tankers operating in Prince …histories history-of-contingency-planning resources oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
PWS Tanker Oil Spill Prevention & Contingency Plan, Event Summaries 1995-2020Nuka Research Planning Group LLCMarch 1, 2022histories history-of-contingency-planning resources oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
PWS Tanker Oil Spill Prevention & Contingency Plan, Event Summaries 1995-2020Nuka Research Planning Group LLCMarch 1, 2022This compendium documents the history of the oil spill prevention and response plan for the tankers that carry crude oil …histories history-of-contingency-planning resources oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
PWS Tanker Oil Spill Prevention & Contingency Plan, Summary 1995-2020Nuka Research Planning Group LLCMarch 1, 2022This report documents the history of the oil spill prevention and response plan for the tankers that carry crude oil …histories history-of-contingency-planning resources oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
Geographic Response Planning for the Copper River Delta and FlatsBreck Tostevin, Nuka Research Planning Group LLC, Sierra Fletcher, Tim RobertsonMarch 1, 2022This report by Sierra Fletcher, Breck Tostevin, and Tim Robertson of Nuka Research documents the history of the development of …geographic-response-strategies oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
Spring 2022 ObserverMarch 1, 2022observer-newsletters newsroom
Utilizing Numerical Simulation to Estimate the Volume of Oil Leaked Through a Damaged Secondary Containment LinerAustin Love, Matt Cullin, Tom KuckertzFebruary 7, 2022Executive Summary: Numerical analysis was used to simulate a catastrophic failure of the largest crude oil tank, Tank 11, in …terminal-operations programs
2021 Annual Drill Monitoring ReportPWSRCAC, Roy RobertsonJanuary 28, 2022This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors in …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
A Review of the Appeal to 2020 Updates to 40 CFR 63, Subpart EEEE by Alyeska Pipeline Service CompanyJohn Beath Environmental LLCJanuary 13, 2022On October 7, 2020, Alyeska appealed certain parts of the EPA’s update to the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air …air-quality terminal-operations programs
Concerns With ADEC Proposed Changes For Oil Spill Prevention And Response RegulationsPWSRCACJanuary 11, 2022Summary of the Council’s concerns about ADEC’s proposed changes to the oil spill regulations.2019-regulatory-reform legislative-affairs newsroom
2022 Recertification ApplicationJanuary 1, 2022recertification-applications about
Comments on the Prince William Sound Tanker Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan – December 2021PWSRCACDecember 2, 2021Letter from PWSRCAC to ADEC containing the Council’s comments on the renewal of the oil spill contingency plan for the …correspondence resources
Winter 2021 ObserverNovember 19, 2021observer-newsletters newsroom
For The Liaison Officer – Inviting Participants Into The Regional Stakeholders CommitteePWSRCACNovember 18, 2021What information would be helpful for the liaison officer to prepare themselves and the stakeholders for the RSC process? This …rsc resources
2020-2021 Annual ReportNovember 1, 2021annual-reports about
PWSRCAC Emergency Towline Deployment Practical Trial Summary ReportGlostenSeptember 27, 2021This report is on the results of field trials to evaluate the effectiveness of messenger line throwing devices.tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
Port Valdez Weather Buoy Data AnalysisDr Robert W. CampbellSeptember 27, 2021The Council sponsors two weather buoys in Prince William Sound. These two buoys, one near the Valdez Marine Terminal and …oil-spill-response-operations programs
Marine Winter Bird Surveys In Prince William SoundAnne Schaefer, M.A. Bishop, Prince William Sound Science CenterSeptember 27, 2021This report is on the first year of a proposed three-year project to document marine species in Prince William Sound …oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
A Summary Of Dispersants Research 2017-2021Merv FingasSeptember 27, 2021This is an update report on dispersants and dispersant research. Detailed reviews were carried out for Prince William Sound Regional …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Full Report: Mussel Chemistry and Transcriptomic Response after a Minor Alaskan Oil SpillAustin Love, Brenda Ballachey, Eric Litman, James R. Payne, Lizabeth Bowen, William B. DriskellSeptember 22, 2021For this report, researchers analyzed mussels for oil concentrations and genetic response to the April 2020 spill, both near and …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
2021 Prince William Sound Forage Fish ObservationsScott PegauSeptember 21, 2021This report by Dr. Scott Pegau of the Prince William Sound Science Center summarizes the results of the surveys for …oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
Timeline of major events and changes to the PWS Tanker Oil Spill Prevention & Contingency PlanNuka Research Planning Group LLCSeptember 16, 2021This timeline shows the major events that affected the oil spill contingency plan for the tankers that ship crude oil …histories history-of-contingency-planning resources oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
Timeline of major events and changes to the PWS Tanker Oil Spill Prevention & Contingency PlanNuka Research Planning Group LLCSeptember 1, 2021This timeline shows the major events that affected the oil spill contingency plan for the tankers that ship crude oil …histories resources
Executive Summary: Mussel Oiling and Genetic Response to the April 2020 Valdez Marine Terminal SpillAustin Love, Brenda Ballachey, Eric Litman, James R. Payne, Lizabeth Bowen, William B. DriskellAugust 20, 2021For this report, researchers analyzed mussels for oil concentrations and genetic response to the April 2020 spill, both near and …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
PWSRCAC New Project BRIEFING TemplateAugust 18, 2021Template for submitting new project ideas.?More information.?correspondence resources
2019 Form 990July 12, 2021Tax information for 7/1/2019 through 6/30/2020.form-990 about
2020 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2021financial-statements about
Appendix A – Conducting A Community SurveyPWSRCACJuly 12, 2021This document is Appendix A for the Council’s Coping With Technological Disasters Guidebook.coping-with-technological-disasters resources
Appendix K – Additional Volunteer Coordination InformationJuly 12, 2021This document is Appendix K for the Council’s Coping With Technological Disasters Guidebook.coping-with-technological-disasters resources
Appendix J – Curated Bibliography On Human Dimensions Of DisastersDepartment of Sociology Center for the Study of Disasters Extreme Events Oklahoma State University, Duane A. Gill, Liesel A. RitchieJuly 12, 2021This document is Appendix J for the Council’s Coping With Technological Disasters Guidebook.coping-with-technological-disasters resources
Appendix I – Supporting Information Local Government – Alaska Open Meetings ActJuly 12, 2021This document is Appendix I for the Council’s Coping With Technological Disasters Guidebook.coping-with-technological-disasters resources
Appendix H – Supporting Information Local Government – Preparing And RespondingJuly 12, 2021This document is Appendix H for the Council’s Coping With Technological Disasters Guidebook.coping-with-technological-disasters resources
Appendix G – Outreach Activity – Talking CircleJuly 12, 2021This document is Appendix G for the Council’s Coping With Technological Disasters Guidebook.coping-with-technological-disasters resources
Appendix D – Resources For Professional TrainingJuly 12, 2021This document is Appendix C for the Council’s Coping With Technological Disasters Guidebook.coping-with-technological-disasters resources
Appendix B – Outreach Activity – Community Education Media SeriesJuly 12, 2021This document is Appendix B for the Council’s Coping With Technological Disasters Guidebook.coping-with-technological-disasters resources
Appendix C – Outreach Activity – Radio Education ProgramJuly 12, 2021This document is Appendix C for the Council’s Coping With Technological Disasters Guidebook.coping-with-technological-disasters resources
Vessel Traffic Services, Use of Automatic Identification System and RadarC-CoreJuly 1, 2021This report discusses the capabilities, limitations, and synergies of radar and Automatic Identification System (AIS) information in Vessel Traffic Service …maritime-operations programs
Summer 2021 ObserverJuly 1, 2021observer-newsletters newsroom
Coping with Technological Disasters – A User-Friendly Guidebook, Version 4PWSRCACJune 8, 2021The “Coping with Technological Disasters” guidebook and appendices contains science-based strategies to help ease the invisible impacts of oil spills, …coping-with-technological-disasters resources
Appendix E – Outreach Activity – Community Education Leaflet DistributionJune 1, 2021This appendix provides sources of information and materials that can be accessed to develop community education leaflets.coping-with-technological-disasters resources
Crude Oil Storage Tank 8 Maintenance ReviewTaku Engineering, William MottMay 7, 2021This report summarizes a review of inspection and other maintenance documents of Tank 8, one of the large crude oil …terminal-operations programs
Hinchinbrook Entrance ETV BAT AssessmentGarth Wilcox, Glosten, Nathan Crain, Peter S. SolesApril 21, 2021This report assesses and describes the current worldwide best practices being used in the design and operation of highly capable …tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
Review of Cathodic Protection Systems at the Valdez Marine TerminalKeith BoswellApril 14, 2021This final report summarizes a review of cathodic protection (CP) of the crude oil piping at the Valdez Marine Terminal …terminal-operations programs
Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program: 2020 Sampling Results and InterpretationsJames R. Payne, William B. DriskellApril 1, 2021This annual report summarizes and interprets the Council’s oil pollution monitoring work for the year.ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Laws And Plans For Prince William Sound Oil Spill ResponseNuka Research Planning Group LLCFebruary 25, 2021Laws and regulations create the framework for oil spill prevention, planning, response, and recovery.rsc resources
Using Mussel Transcriptomics For Environmental Monitoring In Port Valdez Alaska – 2019 And 2020 Pilot Study ResultsAustin Love, Brenda Ballachey, Heather Coletti, James R. Payne, Katrina Counihan, Lizabeth Bowen, Shannon Waters, William B. DriskellFebruary 17, 2021The goal of this pilot study was to determine if transcriptomic analysis of mussel tissue would be useful as a …environmental-monitoring ltemp programs
Common Acronyms For RSC MembersNuka Research Planning Group LLCFebruary 12, 2021This is a list of acronyms that are commonly used during oil spill drills and exercises.rsc resources
Potential Community Concerns For RSC Members To ConsiderNuka Research Planning Group LLCFebruary 12, 2021This document lists examples of issues a community may face. These questions will help a community identify information they may …rsc resources
Checklist – Things To Ask For And Things To BringNuka Research Planning Group LLCFebruary 12, 2021This checklist will help members prepare for effective participation on the RSC.rsc resources
About The Prince William Sound Oil Spill Response SystemNuka Research Planning Group LLCFebruary 12, 2021RSC members do not need to understand all the technical or operational aspects of the spill response, but it is …rsc resources
Template For Note-TakingNuka Research Planning Group LLCFebruary 12, 2021Briefings during an oil spill response can be very quick. This template will help you identify details to listen for …rsc resources
Toolkit For Regional Stakeholder Committee MembersNuka Research Planning Group LLCFebruary 12, 2021This complete toolkit includes checklists, templates for note-taking, a list of common acronyms, and a list of potential concerns and …rsc resources
Maps For Note-TakingNuka Research Planning Group LLCFebruary 12, 2021While a chart should be provided in the room, maps may be useful for note-taking. This document includes a map …rsc resources
Organization Of An Oil Spill ResponseNuka Research Planning Group LLCFebruary 12, 2021What does the RSC need to know? The RSC will be part of an Incident Command System (ICS) that is …rsc resources
Suggestions For The Liaison OfficerNuka Research Planning Group LLCFebruary 12, 2021A Liaison Officer coming from outside of Alaska may be new to Prince William Sound and unfamiliar with the Regional …rsc resources
2020 Prince William Sound Forage Fish ObservationsPrince William Sound Science Center, W. Scott PegauJanuary 28, 2021This report by Dr. Scott Pegau of the Prince William Sound Science Center summarizes the results of the surveys for …oil-spill-response-operations programs
2020 Prince William Sound Forage Fish ObservationsPrince William Sound Science Center, W. Scott PegauJanuary 28, 2021This report by Dr. Scott Pegau of the Prince William Sound Science Center summarizes the results of the surveys for …oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
Recovery Of A Subsistence Way Of LifeAlaska Department of Fish and Game Division of SubsistenceJanuary 28, 2021The 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill (EVOS) significantly altered wild food harvest practices and ways of life in the coastal …environmental-monitoring programs
Study Overview – Recovery Of A Subsistence Way Of LifeAlaska Department of Fish and Game Division of SubsistenceJanuary 28, 2021This joint project with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) assessed how the subsistence harvest of natural resources …environmental-monitoring programs
2020 Drill Monitoring ReportRoy RobertsonJanuary 28, 2021This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors in …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
2021 Recertification ApplicationJanuary 1, 2021recertification-applications about
Winter 2020 (December) ObserverDecember 24, 2020observer-newsletters newsroom
2019-20 Annual ReportDecember 3, 2020annual-reports about
New weather buoys establish PORTS(R) information for Valdez AlaskaOctober 15, 2020Press release on weather monitoring buoys in Prince William newsroom
2019 Drill Monitoring ReportRoy RobertsonSeptember 18, 2020This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors.drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
Summer 2020 ObserverAugust 20, 2020observer-newsletters newsroom
2018 Form 990July 12, 2020Tax information for 7/1/2018 through 6/30/2019.form-990 about
2019 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2020PWSRCAC Financial Statement for years ended June 30, 2019 and 2018.?financial-statements about
Spring 2020 Observer NewsletterMay 27, 2020observer-newsletters newsroom
Tanker Towline Deployment BAT ReviewDavid S. Devilbiss, Haley C. Lane, Peter S. SolesMay 12, 2020This study evaluated current technologies for messenger line deployment. Messenger lines connect an escort tug to a vessel in distress. …tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
Long Term Environmental Monitoring Program: 2019 Sampling Results and InterpretationsJames R. Payne, William B. DriskellMay 7, 2020This annual report summarizes and interprets the Council’s oil pollution monitoring work for the year.ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Vessel Traffic Services: Review of Technology, Training, and ProtocolsNuka Research Planning Group LLC, Sharry MillerMay 1, 2020This study reviewed the vessel traffic service (VTS) system in Prince William Sound. The goal of the review was to …maritime-operations programs
Metagenetic Analysis of 2018 and 2019 Plankton Samples from Prince William Sound, AlaskaDr. Jonathan Geller, Martin Guo, Melinda Wheelock, Moss Landing Marine LaboratoryApril 13, 2020The goal of the project was to identify any marine invasive species in Prince William Sound.nis programs
PWSRCAC’s Comments on Notice of Public Scoping Concerning Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan RequirementsPWSRCACMarch 11, 2020PWSRCAC’s comments submitted in response to the public scoping concerning Alaska’s Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan Requirements.2019-regulatory-reform legislative-affairs newsroom
Winter 2020 (January) ObserverFebruary 17, 2020observer-newsletters newsroom
Quick Facts – How Regulatory Changes Could Affect Alaska TourismPWSRCACJanuary 31, 2020One of four fact sheets created by the Council containing background on how changes to laws or regulations might affect …2019-regulatory-reform legislative-affairs newsroom
Quick Facts – How Regulatory Changes Could Affect Fishing And AquaculturePWSRCACJanuary 29, 2020One of four fact sheets created by the Council containing background on how changes to laws or regulations might affect …2019-regulatory-reform legislative-affairs newsroom
Quick Facts – How Regulatory Changes Could Affect Alaska Native InterestsPWSRCACJanuary 29, 2020One of four fact sheets created by the Council containing background on how changes to laws or regulations might affect …2019-regulatory-reform legislative-affairs newsroom
Quick Facts – How Regulatory Changes Could Affect Alaska’s Coastal CommunitiesPWSRCACJanuary 29, 2020One of four fact sheets created by the Council containing background on how changes to laws or regulations might affect …2019-regulatory-reform legislative-affairs newsroom
2020 Recertification ApplicationJanuary 1, 2020recertification-applications about
Excerpted quotes by ADEC Commissioner Jason Brune during PWSRCAC’s public Board of Directors meeting in May 2019 (Full transcript attached)PWSRCACDecember 4, 2019This document contains excerpted quotes of statements made by ADEC Commissioner Jason Brune during a public meeting of the Council’s …2019-regulatory-reform legislative-affairs newsroom
Excerpted quotes by ADEC Commissioner Jason Brune during PWSRCAC’s public Board of Directors meeting in September 2019 (Full transcript attached)PWSRCACDecember 4, 2019This document contains excerpted quotes of statements made by ADEC Commissioner Jason Brune during a public meeting of the Council’s …2019-regulatory-reform legislative-affairs newsroom
Excerpted quotes by ADEC Commissioner Jason Brune, from his comments at the RDC breakfast on March 21 2019PWSRCACDecember 4, 2019This document contains excerpted quotes from a speech by ADEC Commissioner Jason Brune to the Resource Development Council on March …2019-regulatory-reform legislative-affairs newsroom
Letter: The RCACs’ concerns regarding ADEC Public Scoping Notice on Contingency PlansCIRCAC, PWSRCACNovember 26, 2019Letter to ADEC Commissioner Jason Brune and Deputy Commissioner Lynn Kent. Subject: The RCACs’ concerns regarding ADEC Public Scoping Notice …2019-regulatory-reform legislative-affairs newsroom
Port Valdez Mussel TranscriptomicsAustin Love, Brenda Ballachey, Heather Coletti, Katrina Counihan, Lizabeth Bowen, Shannon WatersNovember 20, 2019This pilot project provided funding to evaluate if a new environmental monitoring method, transcriptomics, could be used to improve the …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Alaska’s Oil Spill Response Planning Standard (Graphic Version)Elise DeCola, Nuka Research Planning Group LLC, Tim RobertsonNovember 8, 2019This is a graphic synopsis of the full report: ‘Alaska’s Oil Spill Response Planning Standard – History and Legislative Intent’ …oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
Prince William Sound RCAC Board issues position on safeguarding Alaska’s oil spill prevention and response standardsNovember 4, 2019media-releases newsroom
2019 Prince William Sound Forage Fish ObservationsPrince William Sound Science Center, W. Scott PegauNovember 4, 2019This project provided funding for aerial surveys of juvenile forage fish in Prince William Sound (PWS) in June 2019. The …oil-spill-response-operations programs
2019 Prince William Sound Forage Fish ObservationsPrince William Sound Science Center, W. Scott PegauNovember 4, 2019This project provided funding for aerial surveys of juvenile forage fish in Prince William Sound (PWS) in June 2019. The …oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
2018-19 Annual ReportNovember 1, 2019annual-reports about
ADEC Regulatory Reform White PaperPWSRCACNovember 1, 20192019-regulatory-reform legislative-affairs newsroom
Letter to Alaska’s Governor Mike Dunleavy – Subject: Concerns Over Notice of Public ScopingPWSRCACOctober 31, 2019Letter from PWSRCAC to Alaska’s Governor Dunleavy. Subject: Concerns Over Notice of Public Scoping and Transmittal of Resolution 19-03 ? …2019-regulatory-reform legislative-affairs newsroom
Public Input Needed on ADEC’s Oil Spill Contingency Plan Regulation Reform InitiativeOctober 29, 2019media-releases newsroom
Resolution 19-03: Safeguarding Alaska’s Oil Spill Prevention and Response StandardsPWSRCACOctober 29, 2019PWSRCAC Board Resolution 19-03: Safeguarding Alaska’s Oil Spill Prevention and Response Standards Safeguarding Alaska’s Oil Spill Prevention and Response Standards
Long-term monitoring in Prince William Sound shows lowest contamination levels in study’s historyOctober 22, 2019media-releases newsroom
Summer 2019 ObserverOctober 4, 2019observer-newsletters newsroom
Metagenetic Analysis of 2017 Plankton Samples from Prince William Sound, AlaskaDr. Jonathan Geller, Martin Guo, Melinda Wheelock, Moss Landing Marine LaboratoryAugust 5, 2019This report describes the methods and findings of the metagenetic analysis of plankton samples from the waters of Prince William …nis programs
Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program: 2018 Sampling Results and InterpretationsJames R. Payne, William B. DriskellAugust 1, 2019The Council’s Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program (LTEMP) was begun in 1993 with the goal of monitoring for environmental impacts from …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
2018 Drill Monitoring ReportJeremy Robida, Roy RobertsonAugust 1, 2019The Council’s annual drill monitoring reports track spill preparedness and response activities conducted by Alyeska/SERVS and the Prince William Sound …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
Ship Simulation Modeling and Mariner Study of the Maritime Implications for Tank Vessels Utilizing Potential Places of Refuge, Prince William Sound, AlaskaCaptain Jeff Pierce, Jonathan J. Pierce, Safeguard Marine LLCJuly 12, 2019This report evaluates the safety of Potential Places of Refuge (PPOR) in Prince William Sound (PWS) for decision-making concerning oil …maritime-operations programs
2017 Form 990July 12, 2019Tax information for 7/1/2017 through 6/30/2018.form-990 about
2018 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2019financial-statements about
Fact sheet: Tankers in Prince William Sound – Updated July 2019PWSRCACJuly 2, 2019List of tankers that call in Prince William Sound. Includes details such as vessel owners, weight, length, cargo capacity, and …maritime-operations programs
Reports Compendium – Revised through 2018PWSRCACMarch 20, 2019This document is a glimpse into the type of work that the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council has …reportscompendium programs
Spring 2019 ObserverMarch 20, 2019observer-newsletters newsroom
Sen. Dan Sullivan introduces legislation to make major improvements to the Oil Spill Liability Trust FundMarch 17, 2019media-releases newsroom
Fact Sheet: Escort Tugs in Prince William Sound – updated March 2019PWSRCACMarch 12, 2019A list of SERVS’ escort tugs operating in Prince William Sound as of March 2019. Includes details such as vessel …tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
Then And Now – 30 Years After the Exxon Valdez Oil SpillPWSRCACFebruary 22, 2019Thirty years after the Exxon Valdez, what has changed in Prince William Sounds oil industry preparedness for preventing and cleaning …then-and-now resources
Hinchinbrook Entrance Wind Wave ExtremesTetra TechFebruary 4, 2019This research sought to better predict closure conditions for Hinchinbrook Entrance.maritime-operations programs
Letter Recommending The Development And Implementation Of Formal Weather Reporting Procedures When The Seal Rocks Weather Buoy (46061) Is Inoperable In Prince WillPWSRCACFebruary 4, 2019Letter Recommending the Development and Implementation of Formal Weather Reporting Procedures When the Seal Rocks Weather Buoy (46061) is Inoperable …correspondence maritime-operations resources programs
PWSRCAC Comments On Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, Valdez Marine Terminal Oil Discharge Prevention And Contingency Plan during the 2019 Plan RenewalPWSRCACJanuary 7, 2019PWSRCAC’s Comments on Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, Valdez Marine Terminal Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan during the 2019 Plan …c-plan-terminal oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
2019 Recertification ApplicationJanuary 1, 2019recertification-applications about
2018 Annual ReportDecember 31, 2018annual-reports about
Council Support For Metocean Research ProjectsAlan Sorum, Dr Robert W. Campbell, Joseph BantaDecember 25, 2018This report summarizes the Council’s reports that are focused on improving our understanding of the meteorological and physical oceanographic environment …weather maritime-operations programs
2017 Drill Monitoring ReportDecember 25, 2018This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors. These …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
Summer 2018 ObserverDecember 25, 2018observer-newsletters newsroom
Alaska DEC Oil Spill Regulations 18 AAC 75 Article 4: Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plans and Nontank Vessel PlansADECOctober 27, 2018Full title: Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation – 18 AAC 75 Oil and Other Hazardous Substances Pollution Control, Article 4: …2019-regulatory-reform legislative-affairs newsroom
Secondary Containment Liner Integrity EvaluationGeosyntecOctober 4, 2018This report identified and reviewed non-destructive methods that could be used at the Valdez Marine Terminal to test the integrity …terminal-operations programs
2013-2017 Valdez Marine Terminal Water Quality Data ReviewAustin LoveSeptember 25, 2018This report contains information to help identify potential or actual problems pertaining to the operation and maintenance of the Valdez …water-quality terminal-operations programs
Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program: 2017 Sampling Results and InterpretationsJames R. Payne, William B. DriskellSeptember 1, 2018This annual report examines the hydrocarbon chemistry data from Port Valdez sediments and mussel tissues with the goal of monitoring …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Weather Buoy Demonstration ProjectDr Robert W. CampbellAugust 15, 2018The Council has long had an interest in the successful operation and maintenance of weather buoys installed in Prince William …weather maritime-operations programs
Alaska’s Oil Spill Response Planning Standard – History And Legislative IntentElise DeCola, Nuka Research Planning Group LLC, Tim RobertsonAugust 8, 2018This report tells the story of how and why an unlikely alliance of regulators, politicians, oil industry executives, and international …oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
2016 Form 990July 12, 2018Tax information for 7/1/2016 through 6/30/2017.form-990 about
2017 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2018financial-statements about
Spring 2018 ObserverApril 25, 2018observer-newsletters newsroom
September 2017 Berth 5 Oil Spill – Sampling Results and InterpretationsJames R. Payne, William B. DriskellApril 7, 2018On 21 September 2017, an estimated 150 gallons of Alaska North Slope (ANS) crude oil were accidentally released during crude …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
A Review Of Literature Related To Human Health And Oil Spill Dispersants, 2014-2018Merv Fingas, Spill ScienceApril 1, 2018The Deepwater Horizon spill marked the first time that the effects of dispersants on human health were studied extensively and …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Circulation in Port Valdez, AlaskaPrince William Sound Science Center, Shelton M. Gay IIIMarch 22, 2018The Prince William Sound Science Center conducted a study of circulation for the Council to describe and quantify the currents …oil-spill-response-operations programs
Wind Speed and Wave Height at Seal Rocks Buoy During Outbound Tanker Transits, 2010-2017Nuka Research Planning Group LLCFebruary 22, 2018This study compared outbound tanker transits through Hinchinbrook Entrance in Prince William Sound with conditions reported at Seal Rocks Buoy …maritime-operations programs
PWSRCAC Resolution 18-01 Position On Safe Crude Oil Tanker And Escort Vessel Operation In Prince William SoundJanuary 24, 2018board-resolutions newsroom
PWSRCAC Position On Safe Crude Oil Tanker And Escort Vessel Operation In Prince William Sound 2018January 18, 2018board-resolutions newsroom
2018 Recertification ApplicationJanuary 1, 2018recertification-applications about
2017 Annual ReportDecember 26, 2017annual-reports about
Fall 2017 ObserverOctober 1, 2017observer-newsletters newsroom
Recommendations to Verify and Sustain Prevention and Response System Readiness in Prince William SoundLittle River Marine Consultants, Nuka Research Planning Group LLCSeptember 9, 2017tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
A Review Of Literature Related To Oil Spill Dispersants, September 2017Elise DeCola, Merv Fingas, Nuka Research Planning Group LLC, Spill ScienceSeptember 1, 2017This report summarizes the literature related to oil spill dispersants through May 2017. It synthesizes key findings to address issues …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Comparison Of Capabilities Between Prince William Sound Emergency Towing Package And IMO-SOLAS Emergency Towing Package For TankersFrosty Leonard, Little River Marine ConsultantsAugust 31, 2017Little River Marine Consultants were retained by Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council (PWSRCAC) to conduct a of comparison …tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
2016 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2017financial-statements about
Bioblitz 2016 Re-assessing Marine Invasions In Valdez, Prince William Sound, AlaskaSmithsonian Environmental Research CenterJuly 1, 2017The purpose of this project was to help advance citizen science and genetic methods to detect target NIS in Prince …nis programs
A Review of Literature Related to Oil Spill DispersantsMerv Fingas, Spill ScienceJune 17, 2017This report is a review of the literature on oil spill dispersants published through May 2017.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Development of the current Prince William Sound Escort System: Regulations, Analysis, and System EnhancementsNuka Research Planning Group LLCJune 8, 2017This report documents the process through which the current escort system evolved by summarizing relevant technical studies and other activities …tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
May 2017 ObserverMay 1, 2017observer-newsletters newsroom
A Review Of The Proposed New Escort And SupportTugs For Tanker Operations In PWS – Feb 2017Robert Allan LtdFebruary 10, 2017tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Optimization AnalysisNuka Research Planning Group LLC, Tim RobertsonFebruary 1, 2017This study analyzed potential options to increase oil recovery by optimizing both the open-water and nearshore on-water recovery systems based …oil-spill-response-operations programs
Status Of International And Domestic Regulations On Installation And Use Of Ballast Water Management SystemsDanielle VernaFebruary 1, 2017Ballast water is globally recognized as a dominant transport vector of nonnative aquatic species, representing a significant threat to the …nis programs
Industry and Class Standards for Escort TugboatsLittle River Marine ConsultantsJanuary 28, 2017PWSRCAC report by Little River Marine Consultants on Industry and Class Standards for Escort Tugboats. Includes a memo from Executive …tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
Prince William Sound Oil Surrogates Workgroup – January 2017Nuka Research Planning Group LLCJanuary 13, 2017This report summarizes the process and outcomes from the 2016 Prince William Sound Oil Surrogates Workgroup.oil-simulants oil-spill-response-operations programs
Ship Simulation and Mariner Study of the Maritime Implications for Tank Vessels Utilizing Potential Places of Refuge, Mid-Prince William Sound AlaskaCaptain Jeff Pierce, Jonathan J. Pierce, Safeguard Marine LLCJanuary 12, 2017The purpose of this study is to assess the capability of tank vessels (tanker) in distress utilizing Mid-Prince William Sound …maritime-operations programs
2016 Drill Monitoring ReportPWSRCACJanuary 11, 2017This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors. These …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
Analysis Of Federal And State Ballast Water Management Policy As It Concerns Crude Oil Tankers Engaged In Coastwise Trade To AlaskaDanielle VernaJanuary 1, 2017The ballast water of ships is regulated with an aim to minimize or prevent the introduction of aquatic nonnative species. …nis programs
2017 Recertification ApplicationJanuary 1, 2017recertification-applications about
January 2017 ObserverJanuary 1, 2017observer-newsletters newsroom
2016 Annual ReportDecember 26, 2016annual-reports about
LTEMP 2015 Sampling Results and InterpretationsJames R. Payne, William B. DriskellDecember 1, 2016ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
2015 Drill Monitoring ReportRoy RobertsonDecember 1, 2016This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors. These …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
A Summary of Current B.A.T. Requirements for Escort and Rescue Towing TugsRobert Allan LtdOctober 7, 2016tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
Winter Species In Prince William Sound, Alaska, 1989-2016Anne Schaefer, Prince William Sound Science CenterSeptember 1, 2016The Prince William Sound Science Center conducted a literature search and developed a bibliography of research conducted on biological resources …environmental-monitoring programs
September 2016 ObserverSeptember 1, 2016observer-newsletters newsroom
2015 Form 990July 12, 2016form-990 about
2015 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2016financial-statements about
Dispersants Monitoring Protocol – July 2016PWSRCACJuly 1, 2016Prince William Sound Dispersants Monitoring Protocol: Implementation and Enhancement of SMART (Special Monitoring of Applied Response Technologies) The primary purpose …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Review of the 2015 Alaska North Slope Oil Properties Relevant to Environmental Assessment and PredictionMerv Fingas, Spill ScienceJune 8, 2016This paper is a summary of several oil parameters and the spill behavior of the 2015 Alaskan North Slope sample …environmental-monitoring programs
PWSRCAC Supplemental Comments Submitted To ARRT On May 31 2016June 1, 2016rscchanges2016 oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
Physical Properties, Behaviour and Composition of Alaskan North Slope 2015 Crude OilBruce Hollebone, Environment CanadaMay 11, 2016Results from an analysis of the properties of Alaska North Slope crude oil collected in 2015.terminal-operations programs
Sentinel Tug Requirements for Gulf of Alaska: Ship Drift StudyRobert Allan LtdMay 4, 2016tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
Sample Draft Letter About RSC ChangesMay 3, 2016rscchanges2016 oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
PWSRCAC Comments Submitted To ARRT On April 29 2016May 3, 2016rscchanges2016 oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
Letter To Governor Walker From PWSRCAC About RSC ChangesMay 3, 2016rscchanges2016 oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
Letter To Alaska Delegation From PWSRCAC About RSC ChangesMay 3, 2016rscchanges2016 oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
PWSRCAC Fact Sheet On Proposed Regional Stakeholder Committee ChangesMay 2, 2016rscchanges2016 oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
PWSRCAC Summary Table On Proposed Regional Stakeholder Committee ChangesMay 2, 2016rscchanges2016 oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
Hydrocarbon Research InternshipSeth SuydamMay 1, 2016Report by Council intern Seth Suydam about samples of Alaska North Slope crude oil (ANS), obtained by the Council in …terminal-operations programs
May 2016 ObserverMay 1, 2016observer-newsletters newsroom
Memo: Tug Bollard Pull Requirements for Rescue Towing in Prince William SoundRobert Allan LtdApril 26, 2016tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
Updated: Analysis of Crude Oil Tanker Ballast Water Data for Valdez & Prince William Sound, Alaska – February 2016Danielle VernaFebruary 29, 2016This report describes ballast water data reported by crude oil tankers arriving to Valdez and Prince William Sound, Alaska, from …environmental-monitoring programs
Oil Pollution Act Of 1990 – Amended Feb 2016February 12, 2016citizen-oversight-and-history-of-the-council resources
Polar Compounds in Alaska North Slope Oil and Other Oils: A Literature Survey and Synthesis – February 2016Merv Fingas, Spill ScienceFebruary 1, 2016Polar compounds as found in oils are hydrocarbon compounds containing nitrogen, sulphur or oxygen. Measurement of the presence of these …environmental-monitoring programs
VMT Crude Oil Tank 12 Inspection ReviewHarvey Consulting, Susan HarveyJanuary 22, 2016This report summarizes a review of inspection of Tank 12, one of the large crude oil storage tanks at the …terminal-operations programs
Satellite-Based Pollution Monitoring in Prince William SoundC-CoreJanuary 1, 2016Prince William Sound (PWS) on the southern coast of Alaska is characterized by high volumes of marine traffic both commercial …environmental-monitoring programs
January 2016 Observer NewsletterJanuary 1, 2016observer-newsletters newsroom
2015 Annual ReportDecember 26, 2015annual-reports about
Literature Survey: Effects Of Hydrocarbons On Mussel GenomicsA. Keith Miles, Brenda Ballachey, Lizabeth Bowen, Shannon WatersDecember 1, 2015A review of the literature on developing genomic technologies for the detection of genotoxic effects in mussels and other bivalve …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
Tanker Pollutant Loading To The Prince William Sound Airshed – December 2015Starcrest Consulting Group LLCOctober 1, 2015This study quantifies the reductions in crude tanker’s air pollution emissions resulting from the implementation of federal and international regulations.air-quality terminal-operations programs
September 2015 ObserverSeptember 1, 2015observer-newsletters newsroom
Future Iceberg Discharge From Columbia Glacier, Alaska – Final ReportShad O'Neel, Tad PfefferAugust 19, 2015columbia-glacier maritime-operations programs
Future Iceberg Discharge From Columbia Glacier, Alaska – Report 3Shad O'Neel, Tad PfefferAugust 19, 2015columbia-glacier maritime-operations programs
Future Iceberg Discharge From Columbia Glacier, Alaska – Report 5Shad O'Neel, Tad PfefferAugust 19, 2015columbia-glacier maritime-operations programs
Future Iceberg Discharge From Columbia Glacier, Alaska – Report 4Shad O'Neel, Tad PfefferAugust 19, 2015columbia-glacier maritime-operations programs
Future Iceberg Discharge From Columbia Glacier, Alaska – Reports 1 To 5 And Final ReportShad O'Neel, Tad PfefferAugust 19, 2015columbia-glacier maritime-operations programs
Telecommunications In Prince William Sound – 2005August 18, 2015oil-spill-response-operations programs
Future Iceberg Discharge From Columbia Glacier, Alaska – Report 2Shad O'Neel, Tad PfefferAugust 12, 2015columbia-glacier maritime-operations programs
July 2015 Observer NewsletterJuly 23, 2015observer-newsletters newsroom
2014 Form 990July 12, 2015form-990 about
2014 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2015financial-statements about
VMT Crude Oil Tank 14 Inspection ReviewHarvey Consulting, Susan HarveyMay 23, 2015This report summarizes a review of inspection of Tank 14, one of the large crude oil storage tanks at the …terminal-operations programs
VMT Crude Oil Tank 13 Inspection ReviewHarvey Consulting, Susan HarveyMay 18, 2015This report summarizes the findings of the 196 page inspection report produced by APSC’s API 653 inspector, and compares the …terminal-operations programs
May 2015 Observer NewsletterMay 5, 2015observer-newsletters newsroom
PWSRCAC Comments On Subpart J April 16 2015PWSRCACApril 16, 2015Letter to EPA with comments on 40 CFR Parts 110 and 300, National Contingency Plan Subparts A and Jdispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Key Issues And Summary Comments On Subpart JPWSRCACApril 1, 2015A brief summary and analysis of the key issues identified by the Council regarding proposed changes to Subpart J.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Hydrographic Survey Of Columbia Bay, October 8-11 2014February 11, 2015ice-detection maritime-operations programs
Resolution 15-03: Urging expeditious action by the Governor of Alaska and the Alaska Legislature to amend the existing State Oil and Hazardous Substances Release Prevention and Response FundPWSRCACJanuary 22, 2015Board resolution passed January 22, 2015, titled:?Urging expeditious action by the Governor of Alaska and the Alaska Legislature to amend …board-resolutions newsroom
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Port Valdez Shrimp And Sediment – January 2015Erik Pihl, John Moran, Larry Holland, Marilyn A. Zaleski, Mark G. Carls, Stanley D. RiceJanuary 12, 2015Small amounts of crude oil hydrocarbons enter the waters of Port Valdez from discharge from the terminal’s ballast water treatment …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
January 2015 Observer NewsletterJanuary 1, 2015observer-newsletters newsroom
2014 Annual ReportDecember 17, 2014annual-reports about
Review Of Piping Inspection Programs At The Valdez Marine TerminalDynamic Risk Assessment Systems Inc.November 11, 2014This report is an assessment of the current and planned inspection programs for crude oil transport piping sections located at …piping terminal-operations programs
Toxicology Of Chemical Dispersants In Alaskan Whales 2014John Pierce Wise, University of Southern MaineNovember 7, 2014There have been two major oil crises in United States history, the 1989 Exxon-Valdez oil spill in Alaska and the …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
Iceberg Detection Performance Simulations To Support The Installation Of New S6 Processor With The Reef Island RadarC-CoreOctober 17, 2014ice-detection maritime-operations programs
2014 Drill Monitoring ReportPWSRCACSeptember 11, 2014This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors. These …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
Fishing Vessel Training Fact Sheet – Updated September 2014PWSRCACSeptember 5, 2014Overview of APSC/SERVS fishing vessel response oil-spill-response-operations programs
September 2014 Observer NewsletterSeptember 1, 2014observer-newsletters newsroom
2013 Form 990July 12, 2014form-990 about
2013 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2014financial-statements about
July 2014 Observer NewsletterJuly 1, 2014observer-newsletters newsroom
A Review Of Literature Related To Oil Spill Dispersants, 2011-2014Merv Fingas, Spill ScienceJune 7, 2014This report is a review of the literature on oil spill dispersants published from 2011 to June 2014. The report …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
May 2014 Observer NewsletterMay 6, 2014observer-newsletters newsroom
Analysis Of Crude Oil Tanker Ballast Water Data For Valdez And Prince William Sound, AlaskaDanielle VernaApril 17, 2014Executive Summary: This report describes ballast water source and management data reported by crude oil tankers arriving to Valdez and …nis programs
Remote Control Of Valdez Marine Terminal – 2014Hisey and Associates LLCFebruary 4, 2014This report describes the history and development of the project and discusses the policies, practices, and procedures Alyeska made available …remote-control-of-vmt terminal-operations programs
Embryonic Crude Oil Exposure Causes Cardiac Hypertrophy And Reduced Aerobic Performance In Juvenile Pink Salmon And Pacific HerringDavid H. Baldwin, John P. Incardona, Karen A. Peck, Larry Holland, Mark G. Carls, Mark S. Myers, Mark Tagal, Nathaniel L. Scholz, Stanley D. Rice, Tiffany L. LinboJanuary 23, 2014The 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster exposed the embryos of pink salmon and Pacific herring to weathered crude oil in shoreline …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
A Review Of Best Available Technology For A Sentinel Tug Stationed At Hinchinbrook EntranceRobert Allan LtdJanuary 7, 2014This report includes a broad review of the current Best Available Technology (B.A.T.) in Escort Tug technology worldwide, and to …tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
2013 Drill Monitoring ReportJanuary 1, 2014This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors. These …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
January 2014 Observer NewsletterJanuary 1, 2014observer-newsletters newsroom
2012-2013 Annual ReportDecember 26, 2013annual-reports about
A Review Of Best Available Technology In Tanker Escort TugsRobert Allan LtdNovember 13, 2013Robert Allan Ltd. was retained by the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council to provide an assessment and professional …tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
Cover Letter To Stakeholders On Changes To Dispersant Use Guidelines – November 11 2013PWSRCACNovember 11, 2013Letter to stakeholders about concerns regarding changes to dispersant use authorization.?dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Discussion Points For Public Meetings On Changes To Dispersant Use GuidelinesPWSRCACNovember 11, 2013Discussion Points For Public Meetings On Changes To Dispersant Use Guidelinesdispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Quantitative Survey Of Nonindigenous SpeciesDr. Jonathan Geller, Gregory M. Ruiz, Moss Landing Marine Laboratory, Smithsonian Environmental Research CenterNovember 7, 2013The US Fish and Wildlife Service funded this project through a grant to the Council. The work in this report …nis programs
Why PWSRCAC Does Not Support The Use Of Chemical Dispersants – November 2013PWSRCACNovember 7, 2013This document was prepared to supplement a November 2013 PWSRCAC outreach document to support public comments on the draft ARRT …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Marine Invasive Species Technical Support – Quantitative Survey Of Nonindigenous Species (NIS) In Prince William SoundDr. Jonathan Geller, Gregory M. Ruiz, Moss Landing Marine Laboratory, Smithsonian Environmental Research CenterNovember 1, 2013In 2012, the Council accepted a final report from the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center on a survey of bottom-dwelling invasive …nis programs
Overview Of Changes To Dispersant Guidelines – November 11 2013PWSRCACNovember 1, 2013A summary of dispersant use issues to support member organization participation at the ARRT?s public meetings.?dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
2012 Drill Monitoring ReportPWSRCACSeptember 19, 2013This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors. These …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
September 2013 Observer NewsletterSeptember 6, 2013observer-newsletters newsroom
July 2013 Observer NewsletterJuly 31, 2013observer-newsletters newsroom
2012 Form 990July 12, 2013form-990 about
2012 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2013financial-statements about
Oil Simulants Workshop ProceedingsNuka Research Planning Group LLC, Tim RobertsonJune 21, 2013This report summarizes a workshop of national experts to address key questions regarding the potential permitting and use of oil …oil-simulants oil-spill-response-operations programs
Analysis of Oil Biodegradation ProductsMerv Fingas, Spill ScienceJune 1, 2013Oil that has undergone biodegradation or photooxidation, contains oxygenated compounds. These compounds cannot be analysed by standard extraction and gas-chromatographic …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
Oil Spill Contingency Plans Fact Sheet – Updated January 2013May 11, 2013oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
May 2013 Observer NewsletterMay 9, 2013observer-newsletters newsroom
LTEMP Results And Interpretations From Sampling, 2008-2013James R. Payne, Jeffrey W. Short, Larry G. Holland, Marie L. Larsen, William B. DriskellMarch 8, 2013ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Report On VMT Fire Team And Valdez Fire Department Oct 2001 Training ExerciseAnthony J. Semenza, Loss Control Associates Inc.March 7, 2013terminal-operations programs
Toxicity Effects Of Dispersed Alaska North Slope Oil On Fish – Final Report, March 2013Bedford Institute of Oceanography Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Centre for Offshore Oil Gas and Energy ResearchMarch 1, 2013This report describes the experiments conducted by research groups located at the St. Andrews Biological Station, Gulf Fisheries Centre, Bedford …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
Toxicity Effects Of Dispersed Alaska North Slope Oil On Fish – Final Report, March 2013- Appendices A-HBedford Institute of Oceanography Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Centre for Offshore Oil Gas and Energy ResearchMarch 1, 2013Appendices for report “Toxicity Effects Of Dispersed Alaska North Slope Oil On Fish – Final Report, March 2013”hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
2012 Wave-induced Delays In Cargo Transfer At Valdez Marine Terminal Berth 4February 14, 2013maritime-operations programs
Differences Between Federal And State Contingency PlansFebruary 8, 2013oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
2011 Drill Monitoring ReportFebruary 8, 2013This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors. These …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
January 2013 Observer NewsletterJanuary 30, 2013observer-newsletters newsroom
Review Of Oil Spill HerdersMerv Fingas, Spill ScienceJanuary 1, 2013Herding agents are surfactant mixtures or singular surfactants, used to drive thin slicks of oil to a desired location or …non-dispersing-response-technologies environmental-monitoring programs
Review Of Solidifiers An Update 2013Merv Fingas, Spill ScienceJanuary 1, 2013This paper is a review and update of oil spill solidifiers and summarizes data on solidifier effectiveness, composition, and application.non-dispersing-response-technologies environmental-monitoring programs
Surfacewashing Agents Or Beach CleanersMerv Fingas, Spill ScienceJanuary 1, 2013Surface washing agents or beach cleaners or shoreline cleaning agents, are formulations containing surfactants and are designed to remove oil …non-dispersing-response-technologies environmental-monitoring programs
Ingestion And Effects Of Dispersed Oil On Marine Zooplankton – January 2013Richard Lee, Skidaway Institute of OceanographyJanuary 1, 2013This review discusses the ingestion and effects of dispersed oil on zooplankton and fish larvae, the different types of surfactants …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
2012 Annual ReportDecember 26, 2012annual-reports about
2012 Corrosion Survey Of Valdez Marine TerminalDr. Rust Inc., R. HeidersbachDecember 20, 2012A review of projects, reports, standards, procedures, and operations at the Valdez Marine Terminal for corrosion-related issues.terminal-operations programs
LTEMP 2008-2012James R. Payne, Jeffrey W. Short, Larry G. Holland, Marie L. Larsen, William B. DriskellDecember 8, 2012ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
2012 Assessment Of Fire Protection Assets At VMTHaines Fire Risk ConsultingNovember 30, 2012Haines Fire & Risk Consulting (HFRC) was contracted to conduct a fire protection assessment for the Prince William Sound Regional …terminal-operations programs
Combining the Firehouse Model and Community-based Response Teams for an Improved Regional Oil Spill Response System in AlaskaNovember 19, 2012oil-spill-response-operations programs
Oil Spill Simulation Materials ReviewNovember 6, 2012oil-spill-response-operations programs
September 2012 Observer NewsletterSeptember 30, 2012observer-newsletters newsroom
Escort Winch Towline And Tether System AnalysisRobert Allan LtdAugust 20, 2012Robert Allan Ltd. was retained by PWSRCAC to conduct an investigation into the nature of the towing systems in use …tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
2012 Economic Impacts Of Marine Invasive SpeciesAlaska SeaLife CenterJuly 31, 2012Report by the Alaska SeaLife Center in collaboration with the University of Alaska Anchorage’s Institute of Social and Economic Research …nis programs
July 2012 Observer NewsletterJuly 30, 2012observer-newsletters newsroom
July 20 2012 PWSRCAC Dispersant Guidelines CommentPWSRCACJuly 20, 2012Letter to ARRT Dispersants Working Group with comments on Revision 3 Draft Annex F dated July 15, 2012dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
2011 Form 990July 12, 2012form-990 about
2011 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2012financial-statements about
May 2012 Observer NewsletterMay 1, 2012observer-newsletters newsroom
Review of EPA Draft Permit, Fact Sheet, and Other Documents for Proposed Reissuance of Valdez Marine Terminal NPDES Wastewater Discharge PermitJames R. Payne, Joseph A. Kalmar, William B. DriskellMarch 6, 2012Contractor review of Valdez Marine Terminal wastewater discharge for NPDEA renewal.terminal-operations programs
Role Of Citizen Oversight In The Safe Management Of Oil Transportation Operations And FacilitiesPWSRCACFebruary 12, 2012citizen-oversight-and-history-of-the-council resources
2011 Marine Firefighting SymposiumFebruary 1, 2012marine-firefighting-symposium maritime-operations programs
VMT Crude Oil Tank 5 Inspection ReviewHarvey Consulting, Susan HarveyJanuary 25, 2012This report summarizes a review of inspection of Tank 5, one of the large crude oil storage tanks at the …terminal-operations programs
January 2012 Observer NewsletterJanuary 1, 2012observer-newsletters newsroom
2011 Annual ReportDecember 26, 2011annual-reports about
Valdez Marine Terminal Maintenance Assessment Advisory Audit – 2011Hisey and Associates LLCNovember 20, 2011terminal-operations programs
Classification Society Tug Review For PWSRCACDet Norske Veritas (DNV)October 24, 2011In 2012, the council requested Det Norske Veritas (DNV) to review specifications and performance testing data for Prince William Sound …tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
OSRI Balloon Surveillance System Operations And Test ResultsOctober 7, 2011balloon-based-oil-spill-surveillance-system oil-spill-response-operations programs
September 2011 Observer NewsletterSeptember 1, 2011observer-newsletters newsroom
2010 Form 990July 12, 2011form-990 about
2010 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2011financial-statements about
July 2011 Observer NewsletterJuly 1, 2011observer-newsletters newsroom
2010 Drill Monitoring ReportMay 10, 2011This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors. These …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
Whistleblower ProcedurePWSRCACMay 6, 2011about
May 2011 Observer NewsletterMay 1, 2011observer-newsletters newsroom
2011 Fishing Vessel Owner MeetingJeremy Robida, PWSRCACMarch 7, 2011The Council hosted this meeting was to engage with representatives from the fishing vessel (FV) spill response program and dialogue …fishing-vessel-training oil-spill-response-operations programs
January 2011 Observer NewsletterJanuary 1, 2011observer-newsletters newsroom
2010 Annual ReportDecember 26, 2010annual-reports about
2009 Drill Monitoring ReportOctober 18, 2010This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors. These …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
2008 Drill Monitoring ReportOctober 18, 2010This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors. These …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
Saline Layering In Prince William SoundMusgrave Oceanographic AnalysisOctober 7, 2010From profiles of conductivity, temperature and depth provided by Prince William Sound Science Center (PWSSC) to Musgrave Oceanographic Analysis (MOA), …environmental-monitoring programs
The Imperative to Maintain the Currently Utilized Dual Escort Vessel Marine Safety System for Double-Hulled Oil Laden Tankers in Prince William Sound, AlaskaPWSRCACSeptember 30, 2010The Council created this booklet in 2010 to support the legislative process to preserve tanker escorts.tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
Observations, Questions, And Recommendations Regarding Use Of Dispersants On The BP Deepwater Horizon SpillPWSRCACSeptember 16, 2010Observations, questions, and recommendations from the council regarding the subject of unprecedented dispersants use in the Gulf of Mexico by …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Observations, Questions, and Recommendations Regarding Use of Dispersants on the BP Deepwater Horizon SpillPWSRCAC's Scientific Advisory CommitteeSeptember 15, 2010White paper outlining concerns regarding the first response use of dispersants in the BP Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
September 2010 ObserverSeptember 1, 2010observer-newsletters newsroom
2009 Form 990July 12, 2010form-990 about
2009 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2010financial-statements about
July 2010 Observer NewsletterJuly 1, 2010observer-newsletters newsroom
May 2010 Observer NewsletterMay 17, 2010observer-newsletters newsroom
January 2010 Observer NewsletterJanuary 1, 2010observer-newsletters newsroom
2009 Annual ReportDecember 26, 2009annual-reports about
Double Hull Tanker ReviewElise DeCola, Nuka Research Planning Group LLCDecember 14, 2009Over the past twenty years, the US oil tanker fleet, including those vessels involved in the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) …oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
News Release For Tug Escort System PreservationPWSRCACNovember 5, 2009tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
Characterizing Risk Associated with Vessel Fouling and Nonindigenous Species in Prince William SoundCalifornia State Lands Commission, Chris Scianni, Elizabeth Sosik, Jeffery Cordell, Maurya Faulkne, School of Aquatic Fishery Science, University of WashingtonOctober 17, 2009The 2009 report ‘Characterizing Risk Associated with Vessel Fouling and Nonindigenous Species in Prince William Sound’ reviewed 2005-2008 vessel arrival …nis programs
September 2009 Observer NewsletterSeptember 1, 2009observer-newsletters newsroom
2008 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2009financial-statements about
Stakeholder Comments to the ARRT Science & Technology Committee regarding Revision of the Dispersant GuidelinesJohn S. French Ph.D., Joseph Banta, Linda SwissJuly 1, 2009Stakeholder Comments to the ARRT Science & Technology Committee regarding Revision of the Dispersant Guidelinesdispersants environmental-monitoring programs
July 2009 Observer NewsletterJuly 1, 2009observer-newsletters newsroom
Legislation For Tug Escort System PreservationJune 19, 2009tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
Murkowski Floor Statement Tug Escort SystemJune 5, 2009Statement made by Sen. Lisa Murkowski to the U.S. Senate in support of dual escort vessels for double hulled tankers. …tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
APSC SERVS Fishing Vessel ReviewHarvey Consulting, Susan HarveyMay 20, 2009This 2009 report assessed how ready the fishing vessels on contract to Alyeska Pipeline Service Company’s Ship Escort Response Vessel …fishing-vessel-training oil-spill-response-operations programs
May 2009 Observer NewsletterMay 1, 2009observer-newsletters newsroom
Tug Escort System Joint ResolutionMarch 14, 2009tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
2008 Marine Firefighting SymposiumFebruary 4, 2009marine-firefighting-symposium maritime-operations programs
2007 Drill Monitoring ReportFebruary 4, 2009This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors. These …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
January 2009 Observer NewsletterJanuary 1, 2009observer-newsletters newsroom
2008 Annual ReportDecember 26, 2008annual-reports about
LTEMP 2006-2008James R. Payne, Jeffrey W. Short, Marie L. Larsen, William B. DriskellDecember 20, 2008
Prince William Sound Recovery Rate AnalysisCensum Northwest LLCDecember 17, 2008This study analyzed basic planning schemes against a specific set of scenario factors and calculated recovery rates to establish a …oil-spill-response-operations programs
Seismic Reengineering VMTC.P.G. Kyu Ho Cho Ph.D., Terry R. WestDecember 4, 2008The second phase of this work was initiated May 1, 2008 to follow up on the extensive and office study …terminal-operations programs
Report On Non Mechanical ResponseNovember 17, 2008environmental-monitoring programs
A Review of Literature Related to Oil Spill Solidifiers 1990-2008Environmental Technology Centre, Merv FingasSeptember 12, 2008This report is a review of the limited literature on oil spill solidifiers published from 1990 to August 2008. The …non-dispersing-response-technologies environmental-monitoring programs
Tunicate: Northward spread, diversity, source, and impact of non-native tunicates in Alaska: Establishing a monitoring and education networkDr. Chela Zabin, Gregory M. Ruiz, Karen Alroy, Sarah Cohen, Verena WangSeptember 12, 2008This report measures the source, species diversity, and impacts of non-native tunicate species spreading northward along western North America.nis programs
A Review of Literature Related to Oil Spill Dispersants Especially Relevant to Alaska 2002-2008Merv Fingas, Spill ScienceSeptember 8, 2008The literature on oil spill dispersants between 2001 and 2008 is extensive, consisting of more than 300 papers.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
A Review of Literature Related to Oil Spill Dispersants 1997-2008Merv Fingas, Spill ScienceSeptember 1, 2008This report is a review of the literature on oil spill dispersants published from 1997 to August, 2008. The report …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
September 2008 Observer NewsletterSeptember 1, 2008observer-newsletters newsroom
2007 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2008financial-statements about
July 2008 Observer NewsletterJuly 1, 2008observer-newsletters newsroom
Response Gap FlyerJune 16, 2008oil-spill-response-gap oil-spill-response-operations programs
May 2008 Observer NewsletterMay 1, 2008observer-newsletters newsroom
Hydrocarbon Sensors for Oil Spill Prevention and Response – Workshop ProceedingsAlliance for Coastal Technology, Oil Spill Recovery InstituteApril 19, 2008balloon-based-oil-spill-surveillance-system oil-spill-response-operations programs
2008 Marine Firefighting And Prevention PlanningApril 18, 2008marine-firefighting-symposium maritime-operations programs
Non-mechanical Response Gap Estimate for Two Operating Areas of Prince William Sound – 2008Nuka Research Planning Group LLC, Tim RobertsonApril 15, 2008The ‘response gap’ is the window between the upper limits of the response system (in terms of environmental conditions) and …oil-spill-response-gap oil-spill-response-operations programs
Bibliography For Aquatic Noise ReportApril 8, 2008aquatic-noise maritime-operations programs
Aquatic Noise ReportApril 7, 2008aquatic-noise maritime-operations programs
Salinity Weathering And Resurfacing DatabaseMarch 10, 2008environmental-monitoring programs
Review of the Valdez Marine Terminal Maintenance Program – 2007PetroTech AlaskaMarch 6, 2008terminal-operations programs
January 2008 Observer NewsletterJanuary 1, 2008observer-newsletters newsroom
2007 Annual ReportDecember 26, 2007annual-reports about
Ice Radar Processor for Prince William Sound – Summary of Configuration and BenefitsC-CoreDecember 1, 2007In 2002, under contract from the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council (PWSRCAC), C-CORE assisted in the installation of …ice-detection maritime-operations programs
VMT Storage Tank Integrity InvestigationThe Hendrix GroupOctober 15, 2007This report analyzed alleged tank integrity issues for Valdez Marine Terminal (VMT) Tank Numbers 55 and 16.terminal-operations programs
2006 Drill Monitoring ReportOctober 15, 2007This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors. These …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
LTEMP Program ReviewBGES IncOctober 1, 2007
Earthquake, Landslide and Tsunami Hazards in the Port Valdez area, AlaskaAlaska Beget Consulting, James BegetSeptember 27, 2007A review of potential natural disasters that could affect the Valdez Marine Terminal.terminal-operations programs
Rock Slope Stability VMTC.P.G. Kyu Ho Cho Ph.D., Terry R. WestSeptember 15, 2007The primary purpose of this project was to evaluate the stability of rock slopes of the VMT during potential earthquake …terminal-operations programs
September 2007 Observer NewsletterSeptember 1, 2007observer-newsletters newsroom
Non-mechanical Response Gap Estimate: Literature Review and Recommended Limits – 2007Nuka Research Planning Group LLC, Tim RobertsonAugust 21, 2007This report analyzes the response gap that exists for non-mechanical response operations at two locations in Prince William Sound.oil-spill-response-gap oil-spill-response-operations programs
2006 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2007financial-statements about
Review of Out-of-Region Equipment Resources Listed by Prince William Sound PlanholdersE-Tech International Inc., Erich R. GundlachJuly 6, 2007For this 2007 report, researchers reviewed out-of-region oil spill response equipment resources. The report also reviewed the contractual relationships between …oil-spill-response-operations programs
July 2007 Observer NewsletterJuly 1, 2007observer-newsletters newsroom
VMT System Integrity IssuesHarvey Consulting, Susan HarveyJune 27, 2007This document is a series of reports on system integrity issues related to storage tanks 55, 5, 16, and 93 …terminal-operations programs
May 2007 Observer NewsletterMay 1, 2007observer-newsletters newsroom
Fishing Vessel Types Fact SheetMarch 9, 2007Three main types of fishing vessels are available for oil spill response through Alyeska?s Ship Escort Response Vessel System (SERVS) …fishing-vessel-training oil-spill-response-operations programs
Response Gap Estimates for Two Operating Areas in Prince William Sounds – 2007Nuka Research Planning Group LLC, Tim RobertsonFebruary 8, 2007In 2006, the Council commissioned a study to determine the frequency and duration of any Response Gap that exists in …oil-spill-response-gap oil-spill-response-operations programs
Oil Pollution Act of 1990 Fact SheetJanuary 15, 2007resources
Dispersant Fact SheetPWSRCACJanuary 7, 2007Fact sheet about oil spill dispersants.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
January 2007 Observer NewsletterJanuary 1, 2007observer-newsletters newsroom
2006 Annual ReportDecember 26, 2006annual-reports about
OHMSETT Trials Appendix A3James R. Payne, Payne Environmental ConsultantsDecember 15, 2006Appendix to report: “Field Notes and Critical Observations from the OHMSETT Heavy Oil Dispersant Trials”ohmsett-heavy-oil-dispersant-trials environmental-monitoring programs
OHMSETT Trials Appendix A2James R. Payne, Payne Environmental ConsultantsDecember 15, 2006Appendix to report: “Field Notes and Critical Observations from the OHMSETT Heavy Oil Dispersant Trials”ohmsett-heavy-oil-dispersant-trials environmental-monitoring programs
Northward Spread of Marine Nonindigenous Species along Western North AmericaAnson H. Hines, Aquatic Bioinvasion Research & Policy Institute, Brian P. Steves, Catherine E. de Rivera, Gregory M. Ruiz, Paul FofonoffDecember 15, 2006This report, submitted by Smithsonian researchers, forecasts the northward spread of four invasive species to Alaska waters.nis programs
OHMSETT Trials Appendix A1James R. Payne, Payne Environmental ConsultantsDecember 12, 2006Appendix to report: “Field Notes and Critical Observations from the OHMSETT Heavy Oil Dispersant Trials”ohmsett-heavy-oil-dispersant-trials environmental-monitoring programs
Comparison of Wind Measurements at Nuchek Heights, Hinchinbrook Island, and at Seal Rocks NOAA Data Buoy in Hinchinbrook Entrance, Alaska.Micro Specialties Inc., Orson P. Smith, Richard M. BrownDecember 7, 2006Concurrent hourly average wind speeds and directions from data collection stations on shore at Nuchek Heights and at sea by …weather-data oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
LTEMP 2005-2006James R. Payne, Jeffrey W. Short, Marie L. Larsen, William B. DriskellDecember 1, 2006ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
2005 Drill Monitoring ReportOctober 3, 2006This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors. These …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
Role of Statutorily Established Citizen Oversight CouncilsPWSRCACSeptember 1, 2006
September 2006 Observer NewsletterSeptember 1, 2006observer-newsletters newsroom
Report On The Non-Mechanical Response For The Exxon Valdez Oil SpillDan GilsonAugust 30, 2006oil-spill-response-operations programs
LCA Inc Fire Safety Review VMTLoss Control Associates Inc.August 23, 2006A 2006 review of the VMT Fire Brigade’s readiness and capability. A fire safety review of terminal facilities for 2006 …terminal-operations programs
An Assessment of the Role of Human Factors in Oil Spills from VesselsElise DeCola, Nuka Research Planning Group LLC, Sierra FletcherAugust 13, 2006This report presents general concepts related to human error, human factors, and accident causality by synthesizing published literature that considers …oil-spill-response-operations programs
Testing Of BWT SystemsJuly 17, 2006nis-ballast-water-treatment nis programs
2005 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2006financial-statements about
July 2006 Observer NewsletterJuly 1, 2006observer-newsletters newsroom
Observers’ Report: MMS Cold Water Dispersant Tests, Ohmsett Testing FacilityElise DeCola, Environment Canada, Environmental Technology Centre, Merv Fingas, Nuka Research Planning Group LLCJune 3, 2006This report, which was prepared for the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens? Advisory Council (PWSRCAC), contains the authors? observations from …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Workshop Report on Testing of Ballast Water Treatment Systems: General Guidelines and Step-wise Strategy Toward Shipboard TestingAquatic Bioinvasion Research & Policy Institute, GE Smith, Gregory M. Ruiz, M. SytsmaJune 1, 2006We held a workshop on 14-16 June 2005 to review strategies for shipboard evaluation of BWT systems. The overall objective …nis programs
Effectiveness Of Citizen InvolvementLinda Robinson, PWSRCACJune 1, 2006This paper discusses the history of the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council, the structure and funding of the …citizen-oversight-and-history-of-the-council resources
Chronology Of Prevention And Response TugsMay 25, 2006tanker-escorts maritime-operations programs
Response Gap MethodsNuka Research Planning Group LLC, Tim RobertsonMay 5, 2006In 2006, the Council commissioned a study to determine the frequency and duration of any Response Gap that exists in …oil-spill-response-gap oil-spill-response-operations programs
Dispersant Use Position Statement – 2006PWSRCACMay 1, 2006After years of observing dispersant trials, dispersant effectiveness monitoring, advising and sponsoring independent research regarding chemical dispersant use, it is …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Oil Spill Dispersant Effectiveness Testing in OHMSETT February to March 2006Elise DeCola, Environment Canada, Environmental Technology Centre, Merv Fingas, Nuka Research Planning Group LLCMay 1, 2006This paper is a review of dispersant testing at OHMSETT. These tests were designed to measure the effectiveness of dispersant …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
May 2006 Observer NewsletterMay 1, 2006observer-newsletters newsroom
Dispersant Position Paper – 2006PWSRCAC's Scientific Advisory CommitteeApril 26, 2006Why the Council’s Scientific Advisory recommended the 2006 position on dispersants.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP Ecology Of Tidal Flat Communities of the Copper River DeltaDauphin Island Sea Lab, Department of Marine Sciences, Erika Clesceri, Mary Anne Bishop, Sean P. Powers, University of South AlabamaApril 11, 2006For this report, researchers investigated linkages between riverine and oceanic influences and the nutritional baseline for mudflat food webs in …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Chemical Dispersants ProgramPWSRCACApril 1, 2006An introduction to the Council’s Chemical Dispersants Program.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP Kinnetic Laboratories Reference Oils ReportKinnetic Laboratories Inc.March 1, 2006This report describes the results of chemical analyses performed on portions of sediment samples collected in 2000 by ABL personnel …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
Sediment Coring Program Final Monitoring ReportJanuary 31, 2006Sediment cores were collected from eight locations in the vicinity of the Alyeska Marine Terminal (AMT), Port Valdez, and surrounding …environmental-monitoring programs
January 2006 Observer NewsletterJanuary 1, 2006observer-newsletters newsroom
PWSRCAC Position On Insitu BurningDecember 28, 2005oil-spill-response-operations programs
2005 Marine Firefighting SymposiumDecember 28, 2005marine-firefighting-symposium maritime-operations programs
2003 Marine Firefighting SymposiumDecember 28, 2005marine-firefighting-symposium maritime-operations programs
LTEMP 2000-2002 Appendix B And CKinnetic Laboratories Inc.December 28, 2005
2005 Annual ReportDecember 26, 2005annual-reports about
Community Oil Spill Response Forum – Final ReportNuka Research Planning Group LLCDecember 8, 2005oil-spill-response-operations programs
SERVS’ Fishing Vessel Program Meeting in 2005Joe Banta, Linda Swiss, Roy RobertsonDecember 8, 2005On December 8, 2005, the Council hosted a meeting with fishing vessel captains participating in the SERVS’ fishing vessel (F/V) …fishing-vessel-training oil-spill-response-operations programs
Ballast Water Exchange: Efficacy of treating ships’ ballast water to reduce marine species transfers and invasion successAnson H. Hines, Gregory M. Ruiz, Smithsonian Environmental Research CenterNovember 10, 2005The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center performed a series of experiments on board oil tankers to determine the efficacy rate of …nis programs
Stability And Resurfacing Of Dispersed Oil – Summary of ReportPWSRCAC's Scientific Advisory CommitteeNovember 7, 2005This is a summary by the Council’s Scientific Advisory Committee of the report “Stability and Resurfacing of Dispersed Oil” by …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Ballast Water Exchange: Efficacy of Treating Ships’ Ballast Water to Reduce Marine Species Transfers and Invasion SuccessSmithsonian Environmental Research CenterNovember 1, 2005The study demonstrated that ballast water exchange on oil tankers arriving in Prince William Sound was highly effective, with the …nis programs
Stability And Resurfacing Of Dispersed OilMerv Fingas, Spill ScienceNovember 1, 2005There is an extensive body of literature on surfactants and interfacial chemistry, which includes an abundance of experimental data on …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Community Oil Spill Response Forum Final ReportNuka Research Planning Group LLCOctober 19, 2005The Community Oil Spill Response Forum held in Anchorage, Alaska on January 14, 2005 convened a cross-section of stakeholders to …oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
September 2005 Observer NewsletterSeptember 1, 2005observer-newsletters newsroom
Summary of report: Accumulation Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons SummaryPWSRCAC's Scientific Advisory CommitteeAugust 17, 2005A Summary of the report ?Accumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Neocalanus Copepods in Port Valdez, Alaska?hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
A Review of the Emulsification Tendencies and Long-Term Petroleum Trends of Alaska North Slope (ANS) OilsMerv Fingas, Spill ScienceAugust 12, 2005This paper reviews three topics: the potential for formation and the stability of water-in oil states (emulsions) of Alaska North …environmental-monitoring programs
Accumulation Of Polycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonsAugust 1, 2005To determine if the treated ballast water effluent affects the zooplankton community, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations in water, suspended …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
2004 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2005financial-statements about
July 2005 Observer NewsletterJuly 1, 2005observer-newsletters newsroom
Prince William Sound Risk Assessment Overview, 2005Dr. Martha GrabowskiJune 30, 2005Risk assessment in marine transportation is an enterprise that has been undertaken for many years. The purpose of this document …maritime-operations programs
From Tankers To Tissues – Tracking The Degradation And Fate Of Oil Discharges In Port Valdez, AlaskaJames R. Payne, Jeffrey W. Short, Joan Braddock, Justin Bailey, NMFS, NOAA, Payne Environmental Consultants, William B. DriskellJune 8, 2005The Alyeska Pipeline Service Company (APSC) Ballast Water Treatment Facility (BWTF) at the terminus of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in Port …terminal-operations programs
Tracking Degradation And Fate Of Oil DischargesJune 7, 2005terminal-operations programs
2004 Drill Monitoring ReportMay 12, 2005This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors. These …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
Hydrocarbon Biodegradation in the Ballast Water Treatment Facility, Alyeska Marine TerminalJames R. Payne, Joan F. Braddock, Justin Bailey, Payne Environmental Consultants, William B. DriskellMay 2, 2005The Ballast Water Treatment Facility (BWTF) at the terminus of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in Port Valdez, Alaska, currently treats and …terminal-operations programs
A Survey Of Tank Facilities For Testing Oil Spill DispersantsEnvironmental Technology Centre, Merv FingasMay 1, 2005This report is a survey of tank facilities that could be used for testing oil spill dispersants. The report begins …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
May 2005 Observer NewsletterMay 1, 2005observer-newsletters newsroom
The Profitability And Economic Viability Of Alaska North Slope And Associated Pipeline Operations, 2005Research Associates, Richard A. FinebergApril 12, 2005This analysis by Richard Fineberg was commissioned by the PWSRCAC.terminal-operations programs
Review Of Oil Spill Responses on Moderately-Sized Spills in US Waters from 1993-2000Elise DeCola, Nuka Research Planning Group LLCMarch 28, 2005To better understand the various nearshore oil spill response technique efficiency rates, the Council commissioned Nuka Research and Planning, LLC …oil-spill-response-operations programs
March 2005 SERVS Fishing Vessel Training ProgramRoy RobertsonMarch 28, 2005Report by PWSRCAC on spring 2005 fishing vessel training in Kodiak, Homer, Seward, Valdez, Cordova, Chenega, and Whittier from March …fishing-vessel-training oil-spill-response-operations programs
March 2005 Observer NewsletterMarch 1, 2005observer-newsletters newsroom
VMT Non-Tank Corrosion AbatementCoffman EngineersFebruary 28, 2005In the spring of 2004, Coffman Engineers, Inc. (CEI) was commissioned by the Prince William Sound Regional Citizen?s Advisory Council …terminal-operations programs
LTEMP 2004-2005James R. Payne, Jeffrey W. Short, Marie L. Larsen, William B. DriskellFebruary 10, 2005ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
PWSRCAC Final Comment VMT ReconfigurationDecember 30, 2004terminal-operations programs
LTEMP 2003-2004James R. Payne, Jeffrey W. Short, William B. DriskellDecember 28, 2004ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
2004 Annual ReportDecember 26, 2004annual-reports about
Dispersants, Salinity and Prince William SoundMerv Fingas, Spill ScienceDecember 7, 2004This paper is a summary of the effects of water salinity on chemical dispersion, especially those effects related to effectiveness.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
December 2004 Observer NewsletterDecember 1, 2004observer-newsletters newsroom
Proposed Approach to Downstream Planning for Nearshore Response and Sensitive Areas Protection Outside Prince William SoundNuka Research Planning Group LLCOctober 19, 2004This final report includes a detailed scenario for a spill originating in Prince William Sound but traveling outside of it …c-plan-tanker oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
Combining Fire House And Community Response TeamsNuka Research Planning Group LLCOctober 8, 2004This report was initially published as a concept paper, intended to foster discussion of the future of the ‘Firehouse’ model …oil-spill-prevention-planning programs
September 2004 Observer NewsletterSeptember 1, 2004observer-newsletters newsroom
Heated Oil and Under-reported Dispersants Volumes Mar MMS/Exxon Cold Water Dispersant Tests at OhmsettPWSRCACJuly 14, 2004The Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council (PWSRCAC) discovered that the ANS crude oil used in most of the …environmental-monitoring programs
2003 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2004financial-statements about
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System Dismantling, Removal and Restoration (DR&R): Background Report and RecommendationsResearch Associates, Richard A. FinebergJune 24, 2004Report prepared for the Council by Richard A. Fineberg, Research Associates on the regulations and other issues around the dismantling …terminal-operations programs
May 2004 Observer NewsletterMay 1, 2004observer-newsletters newsroom
2003 Drill Monitoring ReportMarch 12, 2004This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors. These …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
March 2004 Observer NewsletterMarch 1, 2004observer-newsletters newsroom
Valdez Air Quality And Neshap Old HistoryFebruary 3, 2004terminal-operations programs
Projecting Range Expansion of Invasive European Green Crabs (Carcinusmaenas) to Alaska: Temperature and Salinity Tolerance of LarvaeAnson H. Hines, Catherine deRivera, Gregory M. Ruiz, Natasha Gray Hitchcock, Smithsonian Environmental Research CenterFebruary 1, 2004Smithsonian Environmental Research Center developed a projection of the potential spread of the European Green Crab in Alaska.nis programs
Weather Windows For Oil Spill CountermeasuresMerv Fingas, Spill ScienceJanuary 28, 2004Weather is the single most important factor in choosing and obtaining success with oil spill countermeasures, such as mechanical recovery, …environmental-monitoring programs
Risk Assessment Status ReportJanuary 20, 2004Adequate foam coverage and performance of prototype foam generation equipment was demonstrated at the Alyeska metering facilities. Significant progress was …terminal-operations programs
LTEMP 2002-2003 SummaryJames R. Payne, Jeffrey W. Short, William B. DriskellDecember 28, 2003ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP 2002-2003James R. Payne, Jeffrey W. Short, William B. DriskellDecember 28, 2003ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
2003 Annual ReportDecember 26, 2003annual-reports about
Assessment of the Phototoxicity of Weathered Alaska North Slope Crude Oil to Juvenile Pink SalmonMace G. Barron, P.E.A.K. ResearchDecember 2, 2003The objective of this study was determine if weathered ANS crude oil would be phototoxic to juvenile pink salmon under …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
December 2003 Observer NewsletterDecember 1, 2003observer-newsletters newsroom
Field Notes and Critical Observations from the OHMSETT Heavy Oil Dispersant TrialsJames R. Payne, Payne Environmental ConsultantsOctober 1, 2003This report contains the transcriptions of tape-recorded notes and observations completed by Dr. James Payne during a PWSRCAC-sponsored field audit …ohmsett-heavy-oil-dispersant-trials environmental-monitoring programs
2002 Drill Monitoring ReportSeptember 25, 2003This yearly report summarizes the drills and exercises that were attended, observed, and evaluated by Council staff and contractors. These …drill-monitoring-reports oil-spill-response-operations programs
September 2003 Observer NewsletterSeptember 1, 2003observer-newsletters newsroom
Review of Monitoring Protocols for Dispersant EffectivenessMerv Fingas, Spill ScienceAugust 1, 2003This paper is a review of field monitoring of the effectiveness of oil spill dispersants.dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
2002 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2003financial-statements about
Coherent UHF Radar For Ice DetectionC-CoreJune 28, 2003The objectives of the field program, which extended over a period of two weeks, were to: evaluate the effectiveness of …ice-detection maritime-operations programs
Public Comment Regarding the Draft NPDES Permit for BWTF at Alyeska Marine TerminalDennis C. Lees, James R. Payne, Joseph A. Kalmar, Mace G. Barron, William B. DriskellJune 3, 2003In overview, the operators of the BWTF are tasked by regulation to stay within proscribed limits of pollutant effluent concentrations …terminal-operations programs
May 2003 Observer NewsletterMay 1, 2003observer-newsletters newsroom
Air Monitoring Options for Measuring Benzene Concentrations in ValdezEnvironmental Solutions, Susan HarveyMarch 14, 2003Air Monitoring Options for Measuring Benzene Concentrations in Valdez – recommendations regarding the Valdez Air Monitoring Options for Benzene – …terminal-operations programs
March 2003 Observer NewsletterMarch 1, 2003observer-newsletters newsroom
Critical Evaluation of Chemical Response to Oil Spills: Ecological Research Forum (CROSERF) Test Methods for Oil Dispersant Toxicity Testing under Subarctic ConditionsMace G. Barron, P.E.A.K. ResearchJanuary 1, 2003The Alaska Region Oil and Hazardous Substance Pollution Contingency Plan requires that decisions regarding chemical dispersants use in oil spill …environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP 2000-2002 Appendix DKinnetic Laboratories Inc.December 28, 2002
LTEMP 2000-2002Kinnetic Laboratories Inc.December 28, 2002ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
2002 Annual ReportDecember 26, 2002annual-reports about
December 2002 Observer NewsletterDecember 1, 2002observer-newsletters newsroom
Analysis Of Alyeska Air Quality ApplicationsPWSRCACNovember 27, 2002The Council developed this?document to analyze Alyeska Pipeline Service Company?s (Alyeska?s) air quality permit?amendment applications for the Valdez Marine Terminal …terminal-operations programs
A White Paper on Oil Spill Dispersant Effectiveness Testing in Large TanksMerv Fingas, Spill ScienceNovember 1, 2002This white paper is a perspective on testing the effectiveness of oil spill dispersants in large tanks. Literature that relates …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
LCA Inc Fire Safety ReviewLoss Control Associates Inc.October 28, 2002A 2002 review of the status of fire protection systems, equipment and fire fighting/emergency response capability at the Valdez Marine …terminal-operations programs
September 2002 Observer NewsletterSeptember 1, 2002observer-newsletters newsroom
Review Of Renewals ProjectPetroTech AlaskaJuly 28, 2002terminal-operations programs
2001 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2002financial-statements about
VMT Air Quality Phase 1May 22, 2002terminal-operations programs
May 2002 Observer NewsletterMay 1, 2002observer-newsletters newsroom
Evaluation of Mixing Zone and NPDES Permit Renewal Applications for BWTF at Alyeska Marine TerminalApril 24, 2002terminal-operations programs
Evaluation Of Permit Renewal For BWTF At VMTDennis C. Lees, James R. Payne, Joseph A. Kalmar, Mace G. Barron, William B. DriskellApril 24, 2002terminal-operations programs
Evaluation of Mixing Zone and NPDES Permit Renewal Applications for BWTF at Alyeska Marine TerminalDennis C. Lees, James R. Payne, Joseph A. Kalmar, Mace G. Barron, William B. DriskellApril 24, 2002AMT Application Evaluation: In overview, the BWTF effluent discharge is tasked by regulation to stay within proscribed limits of pollutant …terminal-operations programs
A Review of Literature Related to Oil Spill Dispersants Especially Relevant to Alaska, 1997-2002Merv Fingas, Spill ScienceMarch 7, 2002This paper is a review of the literature on oil spill dispersants published from 1997 to January, 2002. As in …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
Report on Visit to OHMSETT to Observe Exxon/MMS Cold-Water Dispersant TestsPWSRCAC, Stan JonesMarch 1, 2002This report gives an account of Cold-Water Dispersant tests that took place at the Oil and Hazardous Materials Simulated Environmental …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
March 2002 Observer NewsletterMarch 1, 2002observer-newsletters newsroom
Photoenhanced Toxicity of Aqueous Phase and Chemically-Dispersed Weathered Alaska North Slope Crude Oil to Pacific Herring Eggs and LarvaeMace G. Barron, P.E.A.K. ResearchFebruary 11, 2002This study investigated the photoenhanced toxicity of weathered ANS to eggs and larvae of the Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi), and …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
2001 Annual ReportDecember 26, 2001annual-reports about
Assessing Transport And Exposure Pathways and Potential Petroleum Toxicity to Marine Resources in Port Valdez, Alaska, 2001James R. Payne, William B. DriskellDecember 8, 2001ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
December 2001 Observer NewsletterDecember 1, 2001observer-newsletters newsroom
September 2001 Observer NewsletterSeptember 1, 2001observer-newsletters newsroom
2000 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2001financial-statements about
Review Of Fire Safety Update VMTO.M. Slye, Tony SemenzaJune 28, 2001terminal-operations programs
May 2001 Observer NewsletterMay 1, 2001observer-newsletters newsroom
The Effectiveness of Corexit 9527 and 9500 in Dispersing Fresh, Weathered, and Emulsion of Alaska North Slope Crude under Subarctic ConditionsAdam Moles, Jeffrey W. Short, Larry HollandApril 4, 2001The effect of various states of weather: no weather, 205 evaporatively weathered, and emulsification on the effectiveness of oil dispersants …dispersants environmental-monitoring programs
February 2001 Observer NewsletterFebruary 1, 2001observer-newsletters newsroom
Marine Invasive Species And Biodiversity of South Central AlaskaAnson H. Hines, Gregory M. Ruiz, Smithsonian Environmental Research CenterDecember 31, 2000This report summarizes research on non-indigenous species in marine ecosystems of Alaska during the year 2000 by the Smithsonian Environmental …nis programs
LTEMP 1999-2000Kinnetic Laboratories Inc.December 28, 2000
2000 Annual ReportDecember 26, 2000annual-reports about
December 2000 Observer NewsletterDecember 1, 2000observer-newsletters newsroom
Community Involvement Versus Big OilJohn DevensOctober 26, 2000A Case Study of the Policy Process. Presented at the 32nd Annual Michigan Conference of Political Scientistsabout
Fire Protection ReviewBud Slye, Loss Control Associates Inc., Tony SemenzaOctober 9, 2000A report titled ?Alyeska Pipeline Service Company (APSC) VMT Fire Protection Review; October 9, 2000?.terminal-operations programs
September 2000 Observer NewsletterSeptember 1, 2000observer-newsletters newsroom
List Of Issues Fire ProtectionO.M. Slye, Tony SemenzaJuly 13, 2000terminal-operations programs
1999 Financial StatementJuly 12, 2000financial-statements about
May 2000 Observer NewsletterMay 1, 2000observer-newsletters newsroom
Biological Invasions in Alaska’s Coastal Marine Ecosystems: Establishing a BaselineAnson H. Hines, Brian P. Steves, Gregory M. Ruiz, Kristen Larson, Linda McCann, Paul Fofonoff, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Tami HuberMarch 15, 2000This report synthesizes the results of biological surveys conducted at several sites including sites in Prince William Sound.nis programs
Biological Invasions of Cold-Water Coastal Ecosystems: Ballast-Mediated IntroductionsAnson H. Hines, Gregory M. Ruiz, Smithsonian Environmental Research CenterMarch 15, 2000This report provided the first synthesis of NIS known to be in Alaska, resulting from an extensive literature review and …nis programs
Potential for Photoenhanced Toxicity of Spilled Oil in Prince William Sound and Gulf of Alaska WatersMace G. BarronMarch 1, 2000This report examines the potential for photoenhanced toxicity of spilled oil in Prince William Sound and associated Gulf of Alaska …hydrocarbon-toxicity environmental-monitoring programs
March 2000 Observer NewsletterMarch 1, 2000observer-newsletters newsroom
1999 Annual ReportDecember 26, 1999annual-reports about
LTEMP 1998-1999Kinnetic Laboratories Inc.December 12, 1999ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
December 1999 Observer NewsletterDecember 1, 1999observer-newsletters newsroom
October 1999 Observer NewsletterOctober 1, 1999observer-newsletters newsroom
1998 Financial StatementJuly 12, 1999financial-statements about
May 1999 Observer NewsletterMay 1, 1999observer-newsletters newsroom
Final Report On The Valdez Marine Terminal Marine Vapor Control Project By Sierra Research, Inc April 23, 1999Robert Brown Engineers, Sierra Research IncApril 23, 1999A 1999 review of hydrocarbon emissions from the marine vessel loading operations and storage tanks at the VMT, design and …terminal-operations programs
March 1999 Observer NewsletterMarch 1, 1999observer-newsletters newsroom
LTEMP Caged Mussel Study From Applied BiometeringApplied BiomonitoringFebruary 16, 1999A caged mussel pilot study was conducted between February and April, 1997 in Port Valdez, Alaska. The purpose of this …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP 1997-1998Kinnetic Laboratories Inc.December 28, 1998ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
1998 Annual ReportDecember 17, 1998annual-reports about
December 1998 Observer NewsletterDecember 7, 1998observer-newsletters newsroom
September 1998 Observer NewsletterSeptember 1, 1998observer-newsletters newsroom
1997 Financial StatementJuly 12, 1998financial-statements about
June 1998 Observer NewsletterJune 1, 1998observer-newsletters newsroom
1997 Annual ReportDecember 26, 1997annual-reports about
The Risk of Nonindigenous Species Invasion in Prince William Sound Associated with Oil Tanker Traffic and Ballast Water Management: Pilot StudyAnson H. Hines, Gregory M. Ruiz, Smithsonian Environmental Research CenterDecember 4, 1997Although non-indigenous species are common in marine environments, and some cause significant environmental and economic impacts throughout the world, prior …nis programs
Risk Of NIS InvasionAnson H. Hines, Gregory M. Ruiz, Smithsonian Environmental Research CenterDecember 4, 1997nis programs
Risk Of NIS Invasion Supplement DataAnson H. Hines, Gregory M. Ruiz, Smithsonian Environmental Research CenterDecember 4, 1997nis programs
1996 Financial StatementJuly 12, 1997financial-statements about
June 1997 Observer NewsletterJune 1, 1997observer-newsletters newsroom
January 1997 Observer NewsletterJanuary 1, 1997observer-newsletters newsroom
LTEMP 1993-1996 Non-technicalDennis C. Lees, James R. Payne, William B. DriskellDecember 28, 1996The primary objective of the ongoing Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program (LTEMP) is to collect data to monitor hydrocarbon pollution due …ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
LTEMP 1993-1996Dennis C. Lees, James R. Payne, William B. DriskellDecember 28, 1996ltemp environmental-monitoring programs
1996 Annual ReportDecember 26, 1996annual-reports about
August 1996 Observer NewsletterAugust 1, 1996observer-newsletters newsroom
1995 Financial StatementJuly 12, 1996financial-statements about
June 1996 Observer NewsletterJune 1, 1996observer-newsletters newsroom
April 1996 Observer NewsletterApril 1, 1996observer-newsletters newsroom
1995 Annual ReportDecember 26, 1995annual-reports about
December 1995 Observer NewsletterDecember 1, 1995observer-newsletters newsroom
September 1995 Observer NewsletterSeptember 1, 1995observer-newsletters newsroom
1994 Financial StatementJuly 12, 1995financial-statements about
June 1995 Observer NewsletterJune 1, 1995observer-newsletters newsroom
February 1995 Observer NewsletterFebruary 1, 1995observer-newsletters newsroom
1994 Annual ReportDecember 26, 1994annual-reports about
October 1994 Observer NewsletterOctober 1, 1994observer-newsletters newsroom
1994 Letter By Rick Steiner Regarding A Proposal To Establish A Nationwide Network Of Regional Citizens’ Advisory CouncilsPatty Ginsburg, Rick Steiner, Scott Sterling, Sheila GottehererAugust 29, 1994Letter from Rick Steiner on a proposal to establish a nationwide network of Regional Citizen Advisory Councils. Attached to the …citizen-oversight-and-history-of-the-council resources
1993 Financial StatementJuly 12, 1994financial-statements about
July 1994 Observer NewsletterJuly 1, 1994observer-newsletters newsroom
May 1994 Observer NewsletterMay 1, 1994observer-newsletters newsroom
February 1994 Observer NewsletterFebruary 26, 1994observer-newsletters newsroom
1993 Annual ReportDecember 26, 1993annual-reports about
October 1993 Observer NewsletterOctober 1, 1993observer-newsletters newsroom
1992 Financial StatementJuly 12, 1993financial-statements about
July 1993 Observer NewsletterJuly 1, 1993observer-newsletters newsroom
January 1993 Observer NewsletterJanuary 1, 1993observer-newsletters newsroom
1992 Annual ReportDecember 26, 1992annual-reports about
September 1992 Observer NewsletterSeptember 1, 1992observer-newsletters newsroom
1991 Financial StatementJuly 12, 1992financial-statements about
July 1992 Observer NewsletterJuly 1, 1992observer-newsletters newsroom
April 1992 Observer NewsletterApril 1, 1992observer-newsletters newsroom
January 1992 Observer NewsletterJanuary 1, 1992observer-newsletters newsroom
1991 Annual ReportDecember 26, 1991annual-reports about
September 1991 Observer NewsletterSeptember 1, 1991observer-newsletters newsroom
1990 Financial StatementJuly 12, 1991financial-statements about
February 1991 Observer NewsletterFebruary 1, 1991observer-newsletters newsroom
Contract Between The Council And AlyeskaFebruary 8, 1990The original contract signed by representatives of the Council and Alyeska in 1990.about
Proceedings Of The International Conference Of Oiled Mayors Part 1 June 26-27 1989 In Valdez AlaskaPrince William Sound Community CollegeJune 26, 1989From conference summary: “In June 1989, mayors representing coastal communities victimized by two of history’s worst oil spills – the …citizen-oversight-and-history-of-the-council resources